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02/10/10 12:07 AM

#1280 RE: blanda #1279

ok--so thier biggest complaint is the pond,,,,I would point out that ph fluctiations in nearby streams is a natural fact..PH fluctuates with the seasons and is the trigger for spauning in many species in the spring as the ground thaws and the decaying vegitation stains the water,,also road salt will affect the PH of local stream---look at Duluth and the Twin Cities ,What is the effect in the huggers back yard,,,I have full trust in the MNDNR and The ACOE and the engeineers for ploymet ==these dudes have higher IQ's than my check book balance,,Whatever they say is gospel....It apears that the natural flow isn't even in the direction of the streams but in the other direction..If they still don't like the pond then (at the risk of revealing alternatives) why not ship the tailings to another pond....After all the rail cars bring ore to the refinery and then return empty,,Why not haul the tailings to an approved pond untill the on site pond is brought into spec....Aditional expense, yes but we are out of the ground...Think out of the box here and we could be out of the ground sooner than you think....