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02/04/10 10:15 AM

#208471 RE: neomfriend #208468

Is Ya a technology company or an investor. They are like you and I wanting their share of the pie. Whether their share is more or less then we expected is know longer the issue. I believe everyone thinks that Neo will be privatized. If Ya wanted to do this they could have long ago without dropping a dime. It could have forced Neo into bankruptcy and had all related patents given to them since they are a debt holder. I see more of a cash out by Ya. I maybe wrong. Think about it. Clear your head. Wouldn't you want to cash out on your investment sooner or later. This economy is in a financial crunch. Money is no longer given for pennies on the dollar. Companies must persuade for cash infusions. Right now Neo is burning rubber as per every other person on this board stating. Since you will no longer owe Ya then you can say to the big guys "We have no debt - would you like to invest". As I will state we are not prevalent to every word spoken in the room. Since you already bought the stock you must put the faith into it. I am going to ride this out. The old lotto saying "you'll never know" applies to this issue and every other you in counter in life. If you want certainty them have a savings account. No stock is certain. Do you remember GM? Who would have thought. Do you remember MCI? Do you remember Chrysler. These companies were part of our history and culture. Things do happen even though they shouldn't.