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11/21/04 11:18 PM

#37154 RE: VegasDave #37150

VegasDave...what are you talking about?

It was Frank that said it would be done in 2 weeks...not some of us!

Now the website, do any of you have a freakin clue as to how time consuming it is to build a major website??? I mean one on par with CBS< MTV<NBC whatever!! The time to get the links with the appropriate content based on the contracts that can be revealed at this time is daunting. Then some of you want this in 2 weeks !!!

Franks record on landing on his own timeline is pretty dismal.

FRANK has laid out the timeline pretty explicitly in the CC and if you can't follow that, then you should not be investing in the market you lemmings!!


11/22/04 12:12 AM

#37155 RE: VegasDave #37150

VegasDave, nice Rant.... well put together and very on point, considering your topic... I just hope that no one here gets to tell you the old proverbial line in 5 or 6 years.

That Proverb would be this, " I told ya so " see you're still here waiting for it to happen... I personally would like to think that this is it, after all, we ARE on the air...

I guess what I'm saying is that you need to take into consideration that a lot of the Longs here are REALLY Longs and the New Longs (wether planned or forced) are here with the same hopes that you seem to aspire to.

Sooo, as one of the Lemmings, let me say that I wish you well and yes some of us really do know what it takes to build quality websites, so perhaps that's why we take great exception to seeing a Media Company striving to be in the big leagues putting up amateur sites. Maybe "Frank the Visionary" can see what he can do to get this critter placed where we need it placed. I only hope that we are treated justly for our financial efforts and patience in this Company JMHO

Be Well,


11/22/04 12:25 AM

#37159 RE: VegasDave #37150

i agree dave....and its not just here...shareholders on most all boards just want to be pacified.....its like no other stock ive owned.....somehow we just have a group of whiners, all over, on all boards...what happened to buying a stock and growing with it....geeez....


11/22/04 12:28 AM

#37161 RE: VegasDave #37150

Could't get to sleep,this is my sleeping pill now!!!!!
Has anything frank has said ever been timely,NO.An old saying i have come to treasure when talkng about investing ,never expect the expected.This is franks by-laws.He means well i think but the salesman in him thinks faster than the rest of his brain (not knocking him) but he reminds me of my f-i-l.A very smart man but almost always puts the cart before the horse (telling of my age-oh well).Everybody should be used to it by now (wake up people).Hope reality bites for some of you soon.


11/22/04 12:49 AM

#37166 RE: VegasDave #37150

Man Dave! THat is a great post! I've already trusted your words and yes, this is going to be good.


11/22/04 1:59 AM

#37168 RE: VegasDave #37150

Excellent post VegasDave - although the shareholders/posters can't be totally to blame for the web site timeline as Frank, who seems to have a history for getting overly excited and coming up with dates that don't materialize as represented, did state that the new site would be up in about two weeks from the date of the CC. In any event, I see this time as a buying opportunity. The real action will occur in 2005. Looking forward to a great upcoming year for us and the Q. Z


11/22/04 7:07 AM

#37169 RE: VegasDave #37150

Yeap, great post Vegas! The PPS is a joke! I have a big feeling so many people will be pissed because they didn't buy now but started buying later. Oh well.


11/22/04 7:27 AM

#37170 RE: VegasDave #37150

people are delusional thinking the gay games will save q! Newflash the real "olympics" doesn't discriminate! Plenty of gay athletes have, and will participate. Why would anybody body be interested in a bunch of gays who couldn't cut the real deal?


11/22/04 7:28 AM

#37172 RE: VegasDave #37150

people are delusional thinking the gay games will save q! Newflash the real "olympics" doesn't discriminate! Plenty of gay athletes have, and will participate. Why would anybody body be interested in a bunch of gays who couldn't cut the real deal?


11/22/04 9:16 AM

#37184 RE: VegasDave #37150

Good post Vegas, can you highlight the timeline?
