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02/03/10 2:04 AM

#12 RE: benjo #11

Savvy consumers are increasingly distrustful of traditional modes of advertising, and are turning in ever-growing numbers to the Internet to seek
unbiased opinions for product and service reviews. In this marketing environment where consumers increasingly turn to each other for advice and
recommendations for new products, tapping into the millions of independent bloggers worldwide is the crucial next step for any company seeking to
reach its desired market.
Bloggerwave’s innovative business model connects corporate clients directly with thousands of pre-approved bloggers around the globe, giving the
bloggers the opportunity to write about and “review” specific products or services and include a link to the company’s website. Once a company is
blogged about, it increases its Internet buzz, credibility, site hits, ranking on search engines –and ultimately, its bottom line.
Bloggerwave also delivers something no other form of advertising can: credibility. Blogs are seen as independent, so readers’ defenses are down –a
blog review is not perceived as blatant advertising, but as an unbiased opinion from a trusted blogger with a loyal, regular following. A blogger’s
promotion of a company is the best credibility possible. Bloggerwave gives companies the key to gaining this credibility on the Internet.
Bloggerwave is the leading business of its kind within Europe.