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02/02/10 9:47 AM

#112878 RE: Wooden Indian #112874

Hard to tell. I would bet against it, but you never know. The stockroach write up was a good step in showing a greater awareness, but a write up on the software / company itself would go much much further. An unsolicited article on that paired with some revenue from RT would be a very nice combo. Still, there's so much more to look forward to this year, who's to say what will grab investors and propel the company.

IMHO, this will continue north with the usual peaks and troughs we've been seeing for the past eight months. Looks like it needs some (I hate to say it) consolidation around the late .02's early .03's in order to make its next move.

Most penny traders aren't as inclined to buy at these levels unless something really 'solid' is released and we seem to be in that transitional period. The MM's are definitely rattling the cage here so buying at these levels is good both in building our coffers and taking addition shares off the market.

Good buy yesterday, btw. Hoping to pick what I can today if the gettin' is good.