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02/02/10 10:46 AM

#178506 RE: extelecom #178486

I have enjoyed some of his films, but if your trying to paint me as a fan boy I'm anything but. I'm not a Liberal.. or a Conservative.. I'm Chad, an individual with many opinions.. some conservative.. some liberal..

If your trying to compare a Michael Moore film however to "Hillary: the Movie" it only further shows your disregard to openly look at the situation.

Michale Moore has yet to make and release a film during an election in which he singles out one individual, paints them in a negative light, while that individual is running for president.

His films have always been on a larger topic in which numerous people are often discussed.

No, there are vast differences between the two. The only similarities is they were shown in theaters.

I'm curious how you could even compare? I highly doubt you have even seen a Michale Moore movie. Be honest.. God is listening.. have you even sat through an entire Michale Moore film?

The reason I ask is my Father in law is a staunch conservative, Glen Beck listening, I hate Obama, Liberals are the downfall of America type individual. He has shared his vast opinions with me about Michael Moore... but oddly enough, he admits he has never even seen one of his films...

Hmmmm.... interesting. I have noticed one difference between my "liberal" and "conservative" friends. My liberal friends tend to speak from personal experience.. whereas my conservative friends seem to speak from second hand accounts...