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02/02/10 11:07 AM

#178508 RE: desert eagle #178485

Think about what you just said..

My whole point is that fascism points to an overbearing government restricting or controlling society, markets, etc behind the scenes perharps. It is not free market corporations rising above the power or influence of the government.

Who "IS" our Government? Who "CONTROLS" our Government? If you were to say the "people", you would be incorrect.

Americans on average are stupid, lazy and stubborn. I have traveled and lived abroad enough now to see this.

A humorous example..

Why is it that in Germany there are no speed limits? For those that didn't know this, the "autobahn" is not some lone stretch of road in Germany.. it is their entire freeway system.

They have no speed limits because they understand the concept that the left lane is for passing only and are polite enough to follow the rules. Now the next time you are out driving on the freeway, notice how many Americans understand that concept. See just how many will move out of your way when you approach them from behind in the left lane. In fact, most will stubbornly refuse to move over. That is American culture in a nutshell.

When you combine that mentality with our culture of entertain me now. With media, controlled by Corporations, with Politicians controlled by Corporation and their special interests.. etc..

You in essence no longer have a Government of the people, by the people. You have a Government who is the puppet of Corporations and special interests.

The simplest definition of Fascism is a society in which Corporations and the Government have merged and the voice of the people have been drowned out. When you have so many stupid, lazy Americans, voting based on what they watch on TV, instead of actually taking the time to independently verify what is being said.. the guy with the most money backing him will inevitably win elections. How is that what our founding fathers invisioned? Our biggest problem is Education.. we have a Country full of lazy, stupid people who can name every contestant on American idol, but can't name the three branches of Government and it is these people who are electing our leaders... sad, very sad.

This is the reason China is going to economically and socially steamroll us. They are Socialist/Capitalist hybrid, they don't have all the red tape and bull#$$% to deal with.