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TheInvisibleHand ™

02/01/10 10:58 PM

#21564 RE: langlui #21561

If He was someone who brought any value at all I wouldn't want to see him go but he proved that was not the case the time he was bashing wamu right before it ran a 100%+. He begged and assumed I would ban him, because he was bashing a stock I liked. However on this board free speech will be defended even when not popular. Him going and taking what I said after the stock was already halted out of context is just a way hes trying to throw a jab at someone. He's not alone, there are others on other boards who feel threaten by other people success so they look for any opportunity to try to discredit others. It's kind of flattering that others work so hard to try to discredit this board we must be doing something right. Our overall track record is quite good. His jab is typical of someone who is insecure.

Now, when the stock was halted in an effort to try to find out whats going on for the board, I called when I talked to the people there they were casual an nonchalant they couldn't say anything but I didn't get any red flags by the voice on the other end. They told me look for an announcement. Keep in mind, this stock was alerted weeks before at the bottom before it went .90, I didn't see anyone then say they thought it would be halted. After Obamies speech and the fact that it had declared it would report earnings I wasn't thinking the worse, I was wrong and being optimistic that it was something else.

There are many great people on this board who provide great picks. There are many nice people who offer the support for what we are doing here who never post, but seem like genuine good people. Those are the people I care about. This is a team effort here its not my board its our board. I as a member try to do my best to point out possible money making trades and am thankful for the others who do the same our provide helpful info. There are also people here who are learning this game for the first time who don't post much but regularly show their support. I post here for them, many will learn how to be better traders and investors and in the future will be another set of eye and ears that will help the whole community.

This guy, who knows might of had some experiences to make him act this way though it doesn't condone him to act this way. I'm just a compassionate person so I tend to give a little slack for those who were dropped on their head as a child. LOL

Ban him for the Kingdom If you have the time, for me hes not worth the time it would take to ban him. Let his out of context post stay though in the spirit of free speech.