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02/01/10 2:49 PM

#27695 RE: Adirondacker #27694

I know that everyone that invested money in this fiasco was willing to bet on the come. But, in every dice game there comes a time when you run out of money, or take the money you've won and run. Since there appears to be no money to quit with, I believe that the first supposition is correct and all that hope by blowing air into the South end of this horse will make it fly again, ......let me tell you about this bridge in Brooklyn a guy is trying to sell me.
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02/08/10 10:55 AM

#27696 RE: Adirondacker #27694

Wildcatter says news by this week to announce the real start of the real game

Posted by: Nervousnellie Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010 5:22:03 PM
In reply to: None Post # of 27695

Email reply from Tom
Mark, We are alive and still kicking. Any news fit to print should be released in two to three weeks. It has taken a lot longer to get a group together to drill our next oil prospect but it looks like we may finally have a deal that will work for Eldorado. When the checks clear the bank I will put out a PR. We have had a lot of promises made to us about funding our well but not many have been kept. If oil is found on this prospect there will be multiple offsets and EDEP will be off and running. We just won't quit until we are successful. Thanks for your patience with us. I haven't looked at the board for many months because I want to sleep at night. Those who have hung in there with me should know that when you quit the game is over. The game is just getting started. Thanks again. Tom Laurance