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02/01/10 11:00 AM

#91163 RE: F6 #91149

......I read they had a lawyer that was a WOW !! like libby's lawyer which makes you wonder what they were/are up
to besides these last two capers ... I will go find that lawyer tidbit ... I think it was on du about three days ago .. ..

..thanks for the additions to the Muslim inventions etc..this came into my mind when posting that .. can you
just imagine someone writing a piece on "Christian inventions" ..?

......I thought about that ...


02/01/10 1:13 PM

#91209 RE: F6 #91149

HELLO?!? - O’Keefe and pals are not just pranksters - Wake Up & Start Sniffing!

Michael J. Madigan

Fri Jan 29th 2010, 07:41 PM

Michael J. Madigan is a litigation partner in Orrick's Washington, D.C. office. Mr. Madigan has more than 30 years of experience in white collar criminal investigations, congressional and corporate investigations, corporate governance issues and Washington, D.C., legislative and political issues. He began his legal career by serving as a federal prosecutor where he tried more than 100 jury trials, successfully prosecuting murderers, rapists, armed robbers, drug cartels and major fraud cases. At age 30, he served as Counsel to Senator Howard Baker on the historic Senate Watergate Committee. In addition, Mr. Madigan has served as Chief Counsel for Senator Fred Thompson’s Campaign Finance investigation, Counsel to the Church Committee and Minority Counsel of the Senate Intelligence Committee. [ ] on the historic Watergate Committee.

Michael Madigan, O'Keefe's lawyer, said Wednesday that his client was not trying to wiretap or interfere with Landrieu's phones, but he would not explain why O'Keefe was there. He also would not say whether O'Keefe was working for someone or was on his own.

Consequently, O’Keefe and pals obviously are not pranksters. Otherwise, Okeefe would not need Madigan.

He is also on the “Superlawyers” list for high end white collar crime. [ ]


The prosecution will call Libby "a very bright guy at the highest levels of government with motivation to prevent Fitzgerald and the grand jury from learning the true source" of Libby's information about administration critic Joseph Wilson.

After the indictment, Cheney issued words of praise in Washington but made no mention of his departing chief of staff on a trip later in the day to Robins Air Force Base in Georgia. Cheney's speech to base personnel was on terrorism, the topic that, along with Iraq, has consumed his and Libby's time and energy.

"This is nothing new for a White House having to counter its critics, particularly when the administration believes the criticism to be false," said Washington lawyer Michael Madigan, a former Republican counsel in the Senate investigation of Clinton-era campaign fund-raising abuses. "The trouble the White House encountered in this case is that some of the information was classified."

If he were representing Libby, lawyer David Schertler said he would present character witnesses to testify about Libby's dedication to public service. [ ]


Re: OT Libby takes one for the team

Michael Madigan
Tue, 06 Mar 2007 15:57:02 -0800

That's correct, just like Iran Contra, there was no
crime committed.

--- Stephen Russell <> wrote: Just like Ollie North, Libby did the right thing and kept the VP out of the
hot seat. [ ]

Re: Scooter Libby pardon

Michael Madigan
Thu, 14 Jun 2007 22:05:20 -0700

Lying to congress? That's not the charge.

Saw on the news how Libby might face 2.5 years in the slammer for lying to Congress. How much do you want to bet that GWB pardons him in the 11th hour just like Clinton did with Marc Rich? [ ]