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02/01/10 12:34 AM

#47409 RE: tech0200 #47408

I have never been emoitionaly connect to a stock. I have had some big winners in te bio tech sector over te years, but def't not my favortie types of stocks.....they work out good for two reasons.

#1 - Favorable news, in such a small float company can make a signifcant increase in this company PPS. Quick, Obv. News will allow us up for nice up days regardless of the market.

Unexpected Breaking News, Could make te stock move, QUICK.

In the next three months, strongly feel, Press Coverage, Market Coverage, and Data From hase 2 results and or a partnership, or quite possibilty could make a nice winner short term.

Obv, if the news is big enough, I will be scaling out of some and play with the house money with a cost baisis close to 0 to ride out the position for tr 1-2 years.

I think out climb from 3-5 will be much harder then 5-8, and i feel 8-20+ will be the easisiet.

We do have a small float, wich obv makes it move in one direction or another, once we get volume from any of the listed reasons above. (The bigger the better) I feel the next couple months will be exciting. I feel geat final data which crushes end points, I feel news coverage from print to blogs.(Hope Dr. Garnick @ next confrence in NYC)

Like I said, I am not a day trader, I am an investor. Over the past year this stock has been someething I am obsessed with. It has became my baby, it has became the stock I look forward to wakng up one monring with god news and ring the register much higher.

For all you bashers on this board. I DONT'T even watch this Ticker for more then 10 quick glances aday. I also feel the money I have in PPHM is not from my trading money. Its a real holding, something i plan be around with for the next 2 years (Maybe in an out a bit) I don't care about down ticks. Of coarse i would let the best possible print's,but the prints don't matter on the buy side to you sell it. I strongly feel may shares willbe much much hire and long term, could be a "grand slam"

As per my last peragraph, I might just glance of the ticker, but every spare moment i have free, nights - weekend, lunch time. I do alot of googling on this stock,thier board, and try to find new news and or i sit back and wait for news to make it to us in the public.

PPHM's story is great, unless its a deck of cards in which i really doubt i sense Data Out that beats end points, Partnership, and for the drugs that service the viruses which don'tneed as log as phase 2 or phase 3 process could really get what Dr. Garnick & SK could get those ACELRATED APPOVL.

Now I am a business man, I run different company's, I know the mportance of a key hire. I mean come on Dr. Garnick Left DNA/Rouche, went in to "retiremnt" wit his cosuling company & left to get excited for about a 150millin dollar company? Use yourr head and decode the cross word possible.

Warren Buffer paid a premium for the first timeever for the real road, people said he wascrazy and lost his touch. It never came to my mnd about how smart he was and why he does it, but this my guess.

He knew the trading volume and share price blocked him from the S+P, Berkshire belongs on the S+P, now the question remain... why would he pay a premium for a rail road

In my opinion, he did it to take BNF off the S+P and so he can issue the split, putting him running for the spot. Now why is the important.... S+P fund buys, anything that tracks a fund must buy and repoistion there portfolio. Which creates about 6% shares of the company to be bought and held... Now a pubickly traed company can issue the amountt of shares that the S=P effect would make buy, BUT he didn't do that since it will make his stock locked up forever, with 6% of the floar never sold in an auction market... it will go up.

My point, buffet played one of the best chess moves in the maret. I think peregrime is a great thing.

I think we news comming out slowly, it will add to moe firms following, coverage, anticipition of parnter ship, good news, and then FDA approval....

Now lets talk about why i tuck this about, don't watch it all day and believe wholoe heartly in in....


It was another chess move, just one in making his name go down in history in one of the best doctors in he world for getting the right drugs approved to help prolong life. I gave to guess it was not for the money.

Now lets talk value... Stock is 3.... How much is knowing your Family, Friends, Co Workers or spouse can be alive longer du to the bavi and/ Cotora drg.

This Stock that trades with industry, which there company does, are no where fincially strong, don't have devision like avid, and aren't growing at this rate that this company is going.

I will remind you know, stock is 3..... how much is it worth knowing good guys, are not a fly y night company AND what they care about is saving lifes.... I will ask again, stock is @ 3. How much would it be woth if someone close to you could of been helped by there research.....

lets hope for news!