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01/31/10 10:09 PM

#32339 RE: coydog #32338

The poor people in the third world sport names and wear faux designer brands.

I dress poor. I bought my clothes knitted from Alpaca in Peru. My girlfriend in Brasil hated it, but it kept me from being kidnapped and robbed. I also blend well with Latinos and keep my mouth shut, they don't usually mess with me.

I traveled a lot with guys who were packing too.

Otherwise, keep money in the front pockets.


01/31/10 10:13 PM

#32340 RE: coydog #32338

Obama is in deep political trouble in the United States. We thought we were electing a centrist Democrat and wound up with a left-wing socialist at best and a communist at worst. The US is a center to right country. Socialized healthcare, higher taxes, increased government and the abdication of personal responsibility are not popular with most Americans -- even most Democrats, who like me lean toward the conservative side. The country will right itself in the November election. If the Republicans retake Congress, it may force Obama to the center and actually get him a second term like Bill Clinton. But if he continues down the path of the left wing, San Francisco policies espoused by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the late Ted Kennedy, his presidency is doomed. We may be in the Jimmy Carter phase of the next Ronald Reagan Revolution. I have seen this movie before. Sarah Palin is the keynote speaker at the Tea Party convention. I hope she is just the voice of the people. If the Tea Party has 50 percent of the vote and they watch Fox I think the next president will be Huckabee.