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01/30/10 10:09 AM

#16841 RE: Land Agent #16840

its really 66%.


01/30/10 10:59 AM

#16842 RE: Land Agent #16840

Not likely, the amount to be received by WAHUQ is what it's prospectus provides for.


01/30/10 11:13 AM

#16843 RE: Land Agent #16840

If WAHUQ was trading in the market today and the takeover never happened, thats about how much it would be worth today. If you were to hold it until it matured in 2041 thats when it would be worth $50. I think the PQ's would be worth about $900 now as they mature in 2014. I would not expect these securities to be paid off at their fully matured value ahead of time.


01/30/10 11:32 AM

#16845 RE: Land Agent #16840

Would be nice but we'll have to see what happens :)


01/30/10 1:59 PM

#16846 RE: Land Agent #16840

If they went the same percentage on all then it would be more like 15 a share on K's.......

I would sale every share I have and never look back at 40% of face..... lol