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02/13/10 2:03 AM

#2826 RE: chief #2825

"Never have I listened to a president with such an ego."

Yeah, right, uhhh, except for nearly all of the ones before him.
Truman and Eisenhower could be the exceptions in our lifetimes (mine, at least).

In this link is intellectual truth, as opposed to intellectual dishonesty.
Wisdom in place of indiscriminate rage.
Read it and GET IT, once and for all:

Immersing oneself in either ReTHUGlican intellectual dishonesty or DemocRAT naivite is not the answer.

ITA with your previous posts regarding the coming storm....well, I've been saying it here for years, but got laughed off the board for it.
Day of reckoning is approaching, was determined by economic policies over the last 30 years, and Prez O, or Prez McCain, or Prez Whoever.... was never going to make any difference
Our nation's economy was already DOA on January 20th, 2009.
Just more of the same Hail Mary passes and band-aids since then.
Anyone who says otherwise is just plain lying....and you know what I think of liars.

....this board, our rantings here, GCC, Dragon Beach, all of it will mean nothing very soon.