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01/28/10 12:09 PM

#2268 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

This needs to be sticky posted!
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01/28/10 1:38 PM

#2269 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

I accepted a misdemeanor “operating without a contractors’ license” and paid a fine of less than $200 and agreed to return any monies claimed in the case and was advised to pursue reimbursement of my money in a civil court, which I never did.

Well according to this article you plead guilty to felony contracting without a license

Which was contingent on returning 72k. Some of which went back over a year. That's kinda interesting huh?

Then the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor.

You apologized to the court, does that apology no longer stand?

Please tell us if you are still "very sorry".

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01/28/10 1:41 PM

#2270 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

while continuing to move forward with our products

Could you please tell us where these products are stored? I might want to schedule a tour.
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01/28/10 1:44 PM

#2271 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

My ex-wife Donna and I are involved in ONE lawsuit

Were there any other lawsuits that were dismissed because of your bankruptcy?
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01/28/10 2:09 PM

#2272 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

It is apparent to anyone who reads these boards that my family has been victims of a concentrated attack by cowardly individuals using anonymous names to try and mask their identities and tortuously interfere with the business of our company

So you say that the PR's are truthful?

Well I disagree. I read this boards and I do not see you as the victim. In fact quite the contrary. So it would appear that your above statement is not truthful.

I don't think you were subject to cowardly attacks. I think you were the victim of some pretty spot on criticism.

Would you please answer who you issue the shares to and what they go for?

Thanks in advance.

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01/28/10 5:59 PM

#2279 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

Mr. Mohlman could you please explain why you had to file for bankruptcy?

Could you please explain why BRETON A. BOCCHIERI filed a suit against you? Which was only dismissed because of your bankruptcy.

I would hate for people to think that the only reason you have only one lawsuit pending is because some were dismissed and avoided by filing bankruptcy. You have a chance to set the record straight.

Please explain further.
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01/28/10 7:22 PM

#2282 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

hahahaha they dont make em better than this anymore , please take your time and answer the questions.
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01/29/10 9:21 AM

#2288 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

Roger Mohlman,

I beg to differ with you, the allegations are far from baseless, and you know it, I know it and the rest of the people that are involved with this board know it as well! You can't change the TRUTH Roger, and what information that has been posted on this board is readily available on the internet for all to view. The only people that you are fooling are yourself, your "precious" ex-wife, and your stooges! Now I am going to take a very close look at your reply to my earlier post, item by item:

You started off batting 100% getting your name, position in the company, and the company name let us see if you finished like you started...

1. You are a convicted Con Man according to the news articles that covered the plight of you as the "San Diego Granite Man." I guess you are going to sue the News Station that falsely reported you as a CON Man. Some of the home owners, which you ripped off were quoted as saying they would have rather seen you go to jail where you belonged instead of getting their money back - they named you Roger, not your partner who by the way according to the news account DIDN"T have a Contractor's License as you claim. I think you meant to say that the Judge was very lenient with you because you originally had multiple felonies filed against you - over $70,000.00 you had to pay back. Didn't see anything in the article stating that you were advised to pursue reimbursement in a civil court, either! Be truthful Roger, you took money from a number of people under false pretenses...I can say this because they never got their granite counter tops installed after they had paid you - that is FRAUD got busted being a CON Man. I am surprised that you are not blaming the homeowners for ripping you off, how dare they expect for you to hold up your side of the contract with them...they should all be ashamed of themselves expecting you to be honest.

2. It is good to know that your SEC filings are legal, compliant & stand for themselves, but are they HONEST, TRUTHFUL & FACTUAL?

3. Again you are not telling the whole truth Roger (I am seeing a pattern here), are you absolutely sure that your current lawsuit only involves breach of contract?...there aren't any other allegations? FRAUD? As for your ex-wife's "defamation of character" lawsuit: The main problem with proving defamation of character is the protection of free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment. Courts generally agree that an opinion, no matter how malicious, is not the same as a stated fact. Another problem concerning defamation of character is the actual truth of the statement. Some may argue that in order for defamation of character to occur, the alleged victim actually has to have character to defame in the first place. Proving defamation of character is very difficult, and in my humble opinion, I am not sure that character is one of either your's or your ex-wife's strong points. There are just too many things that don't add up when it comes to the two of you...remember your actions define your character, and your actions & inactions have spoken volumes...

4. Roger, could I trouble you for a copy of the "thank you" letter from the FBI, for your assistance in putting Beverlee Kamerling behind prison bars? I am seeing a definite pattern with you...everyone else is guilty around you, but you are just an innocent victim (I will include Donna in this as well, as it is only fair since you are both Saints - at least according to you). They say there are always three sides to a story: your's the other person's and the TRUTH. Don't take it personal, but I am not quite buying your version of Beverlee Kamerling because of your past criminal activities as a CON Man, and my opinion that you are still conning people to this day with PSGI Stock.

5. Again in my humble opinion Roger, your version of the truth seems to be different than the actual TRUTH. It appears that you have made "pie in the sky" statements that have not materialized as you stated they would. For instance, what products have you sold, and more importantly what products have you manufactured. I know I would love to see your plants (not someone else's), and I would love to see the current stock that you have ready to be sold. You could clear a lot of this up by providing actual physical addresses that your investors could go to, where they could verify your statements as being true. How about providing contact names and phone numbers while you are at it. By simply being more transparent about things you could build trust with your "valued" investors...that is certainly something that you want, isn't it? At this point, as I see it Roger, you need to earn the respect of PSGI's investors...if you haven't figured it out - you have lost their respect & trust at this point in time. You have been continuing to move on with you products & services for years...just how long is it going to take for this wonderful product that you constantly promote to be sold...for money to be made for your investors? With no money coming in, there is only one way for the company to survive, and that is bringing in fresh investors (new money)...sounds like a variation of the traditional Ponzi Scheme, but that is just my very humble opinion.

Roger, your response to me has more holes than swiss cheese in it. In my opinion, it seems that you have a difficult time telling the TRUTH, which leaves me wondering why...what could you be hiding, what are you afraid of? Oh, by the way, would you be so kind as to let Donna know that the subpoena has me shaking in my shoes so much that I urinated on myself out of fear... I challenge you to bring it on because it is not I that has something to hide - it is YOU & Donna...remember the TRUTH sets us free, and I know that the TRUTH stands on my side of the line. I have only posted facts found easily on the internet, I can back up my position Roger...can you back up yours?

Roger, be sure to stay tuned in because my next post will be about your friend Stephen P. Corso, a name I picked up on in some earlier posts...there is no denying the fact that you have some very interesting criminal, no character friends! Roger, I now consider you a pen pal...feel free to write me anytime that you like...I am getting that warm fuzzy feeling, you know the feeling that you get when you know that you going to get the chance to expose the TRUTH...sorry I forgot telling the whole truth seems to be difficult for you to do, but you can always try. Have a nice day, know I will be posting again soon...
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01/29/10 11:17 AM

#2291 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

Mr. Mohlman are you going to answer the questions that have been posed to you?

I would like to see the phantom warehouse full of goods.

Could you please explain why according to your last 10k that pretty much every subsidiary has a revoked status?
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01/30/10 10:33 AM

#2311 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

I accepted a misdemeanor “operating without a contractors’ license” and paid a fine of less than $200 and agreed to return any monies claimed in the case and was advised to pursue reimbursement of my money in a civil court, which I never did.

Well according to this article you plead guilty to felony contracting without a license

Which was contingent on returning 72k. Some of which went back over a year. That's kinda interesting huh?

Then the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor.

You apologized to the court, does that apology no longer stand?

Please tell us if you are still "very sorry".

Surely you are very interested in telling us the truth, right?
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01/31/10 2:49 PM

#2314 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

My ex-wife Donna and I are involved in ONE lawsuit

Were there any other lawsuits that were dismissed because of your bankruptcy?

I am pretty sure there was at least one other.

Could we please get the details of that?

Isn't it pretty deceiving to pretend that there hasn't really been any litigation?

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01/31/10 2:54 PM

#2315 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

"1) I am not a convicted Con Man."

This statement is false.

You plead guilty. You took money for a service you never provided. You only paid it back after you were charged with several counts of fraud.

Now your definition of con man might allow for such things, but the standard accepted definition for moral people is that what you did qualifies you for a con man designation.

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02/03/10 12:58 AM

#2335 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

I would like to see the phantom warehouse full of goods.

Mr. Mohlman, Could you please explain why according to your last 10k that pretty much every subsidiary has a revoked status?
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02/09/10 12:18 AM

#2350 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

"I am not a convicted Con Man"

Mr. Mohlman,

Are you still sorry for what you did?

Taking over 70k from people and not providing them with what you said is not ethical behavior.

In court you said you were sorry.

Doesnt sound like you meant it.
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02/16/10 8:06 PM

#2361 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

1993 Trademark infringement - details sketchy
2001 Judgement in excess of 200K
2004 Trademark infringment - Lost case. Was infringing on South Beach (SoBe) trademarks.
2007 Action against Mohlman dismissed in 2009 due to bankruptcy filing
2009 ongoing breach of contract dispute involving over 13 million dollars. Not sure of its status. Looks like the bankruptcy filing whacked this as well

There was a referenced judgement of 38K for a bad check judgement he never made good on as part of the suit. Allogations to Mohlman taking corporate funds converting them for personal use.
The 13 million is an expense a manufacturer incurred to ramp up to produce product for Mohlman at 26K per week for 10 years.
Appears American Water Star took little if any product under that contract. Be interesting to see how this contract was advertised and what it did to stock price and if there were any corporate proceeds from any sale of stock during that period.

The 2008 bankruptcy filing appears to have been filed principally
to discharge liabilities/potencial liabilities to the above.

This is obtained from Federal civil and bankruptcy filing available at It is a pay per view site.
Besides Donna, there may be a Frank T Mohlman that may have been a party to some of these cases.

From 10Q
The Company has had no significant operations, assets, or liabilities since
November 7, 2005, and accordingly, is fully dependent upon future sales of
securities or upon its current management and / or advances or loans from
significant or corporate officers to provide sufficient working capital to
preserve the integrity of the corporate entity. Because of these factors, our
auditors have issued an opinion for the Company which includes a statement
describing our going concern status. This means, in our auditor's opinion,
substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern exists at the
date of their opinion.

I like, in their auditor's opinion. How come the auditor is not named???

At a cursory glance at this company it appears one poster in particular may have been doing a public service warning to beware
of investing here.

I for one would want to see the alledged assets and inventory for a company that states they have had no sales since 2005.

Sept 30, December 31,
2009 2008
(Unaudited) (Audited)
============= ====================
Current assets:
Cash $ 6,033 $
Inventory 305,750 339,722-
==================== ====================
Total current assets 311,783 339,722-

Machinery and equipment 1,133,846 1,133,846
Intangible assets - -
==================== ====================

Total assets 1,445,629 1,473,568-

There are other things in their filed 10Q's I would want to audit.
One, like the millions of SGA expenses.

Mr Mohlman, Will you provide and opportunity to see your assets.
To open your books? Show us the truth?

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03/03/10 8:11 PM

#2399 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

You still have never answered Mohlman. Are you sorry for ripping those people off?

You committed a crime and got caught and you plead guilty and apologized. Are you still sorry?
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03/04/10 10:36 PM

#2405 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

I am not a convicted Con Man

This is simply not true.

You plead guilty.
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03/28/10 11:45 AM

#2752 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

Why haven't you publicly answered the questions Roger?

Afraid of what the Judge would think?

He was lenient because you apologized and gave the money back. Sure sounds like you didn't actually mean a word of it.

Your silence on the matter says it all. We know what you did.
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03/29/10 10:04 AM

#2760 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

Roger Mohlman may I ask you a quick question please?

In your post you said this:

Donna has another lawsuit filed in Clark County Nevada, Cause number A593513, Donna Mohlman et al v. Miller-Krevosh et al, involving defamation that took place on this very board. That case is pending. I am not a party.

Register of Actions
Case No. A-09-593513-C

Donna Mohlman, Plaintiff(s) vs. Mary Miller-Krevosh, Defendant(s)

Counter Claimant Krevosh, Donald

Counter Defendant Mohlman, Roger

Plaintiff Mohlman, Roger

According to the court records you have also retained the same attorney Donna is using in that case, Bochanis, George T.

You are listed as both a Plaintiff and Counter Defendant in this case. Right under the heading "Party Information"

Would you like to correct that statement now that you have been added as a party to this lawsuit?

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04/23/10 7:13 PM

#2807 RE: RogerMohlman #2267


Where art thou???? You came on here and made up some stories and then vanished like a fart in the wind.

I asked some specific questions and have not received any answers. Most importantly, ARE YOU STILL SORRY FOR WHAT YOU DID?????

You said you were to the Judge. I want to know if that is still true.
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04/23/10 7:15 PM

#2808 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

2) The SEC filings are legal, compliant and stand for themselves.

This was a good joke Roger. What happened?
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04/26/10 9:27 AM

#2813 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

You make me and the rest of the worlds population sick. How do you sleep at night ???
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06/23/10 4:20 PM

#2848 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

How about some transparency Mr. Mohlman. Is there any guidance you would like to give this forum? Sure there are people here that would like nothing more than for you to have a miserable life. There are other stock holders that just want to know what is going on. There have been several SEC filings that do not jive with each other. No news from the company. What is going on. We only want an honest answer. What is the status of the Indiana lawsuit and does it affect PSGI?
Roger are you out there?
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04/11/12 7:18 PM

#3139 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

Are you still fighting?
Did you file a countersuit to the SEC
alleging defamation or something?
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05/12/12 6:20 PM

#3140 RE: RogerMohlman #2267

Why did you lie about and defame David Pippy for helping reveal the fraud you perpetrated on the public? You slimy POS.