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01/28/10 11:00 AM

#17395 RE: stormy weather #17393

I have always liked your alias name. After I do some more thinking later on today or tonight going to post about these boards and people posting on them.

I was reminded today by another post and other communication this post I need to do is way past due.

Your alias is part of that post. Not you personally, but your alias the meaning of it I want to discus.

Also reminds me of that scripture where Jesus calms the seas.

I keep trying to Brush it off into Gods hands, but Decisions keep falling back to me

I can relate..............

I have been going through about three months of a very hard financial decision on what work van to purchase. It was a nightmare after driving all over the place. Van after Van was trash or someone lying about something.

I was beginning to question if I should buy one. That alone was a stupid question to ask myself considering my situation but that was how frustrating it was getting.

I kept asking God for discernment. I hate decisions like that.

I can't afford to make the wrong decision, nor could I just get tired which I was many times and came close to settling for something that wasn't what I really needed to represent my business and it's needs.

God came through as always and now I look out in the driveway and just give thanks.

I know you know the scripture about giving your burdens to God. You say one day at a time. I'm sure there are times it gets to be one hour at a time. Just keep giving it to God.

Weather that storm. You do recall what happens after a storm?
That beautiful blue sky comes out. Everything looks better.
Hang in there. Your blue sky is just around a cloud.

BTW. What I like to do about decisions......... or should I say what I should do more of? Yep I should.

Take a piece of paper and on one side put down everything that could go right with that decision. Other side everything that could go wrong. See how it all looks?

How does our decision relate to God in our life?
Are we honoring him by that decision?
Or is this all about me?

Fear of the unknown is the greatest enabler to do NOTHING!

When we write down everything that could go wrong with our decision it takes away some of that fear and most importantly that unknown factor that we harbor inside of us stopping us from making a decision because we don't fully face our fears of what could go wrong.

We all need to remember if something does go wrong unlike others who don't walk with God we have our Saviour on our side who will be there to guide us back out of our situation.
And if we do it right it will bring glory to God and teach us so the next time we can either handle disappointment better or stop ourselves from going there in the first place.

It's in the valleys we grow!

Yes, if you like me you like a bit more mountain top in your life! LOL!

Keep climbing!
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02/03/10 11:27 PM

#17539 RE: stormy weather #17393

I meant to post this earlier...sorry for the delay...

Happy Birthday Stormy

Hope you had a great day..:-)
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02/04/10 5:45 AM

#17546 RE: stormy weather #17393

And to you Ms. stormy a day late...but i see from Longhorns post that a Happy Birthday is in order for you. Soooooooo.