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01/29/10 11:55 AM

#1252 RE: Android0007 #1233

Hi! Android0007...

And Welcome! to the board...

What a great post!!!...I heard about the movie "The Secret" just last month, and bought the digital download from

What a great, inspirational movie!...The best I've seen in a long time...I was really moved by it, and discovered that some of my thought processes needed a tune-up...I tend to be a bit negative at times, and according to them that just attracts more negative things into your life...

Relating that movie into trading the stock market is a good lesson...I learned years ago that having the proper mental attitude while trading is one of the most important aspects to being successful or not...You have to get a grip on your emotions while doing any style of trading, because properly reading charts, SEC Filings, and news releases is all about the opposite side of the brain from emotions...

Charts are pure math...There are NO emotions attached to them...Reading them properly leaves out hope, wishes, or anything else having to do with emotions...Until you get this, you're bound to fail...I know, because I had to learn that the hard way...And it took a number of years to finally master that...

What got me started trading the stock market for a living was 20+ years of cross-country truck driving the big rigs killed my back after logging nearly 3 million miles...Driving a big truck when it's fully loaded to 80K pounds is like riding a bucking bronco on rough roads...And there used to be many interstate highways that were like washboards many years ago...

I had to find something else to do to make an income, because every mile I drove was painful...And an average day for a truck driver is roughly ten hours on-duty, for 500 miles/day, six days a week...

My wife got me interested in trading while I was still a driver, and I'd take my laptop into the truck stop restaurants and plug the modem into the phone line at my table...I watched charts move in real-time for hundreds of hours, until I started to see patterns develop on a regular basis...

I funded an account at Scottrade, and started trading from truck stops a few times each week in my off duty hours...I was only Swing Trading in those days, and didn't know anything about Day Trading...After a few years, I got better at it, and realized I could make more money from my computer than I could working for someone else to make them rich and killing my body in the process...

You don't get a whole lot of sleep as a driver, since you are legally allowed to drive 70 hours per week...And most companies know exactly how many hours you have available each day, and constantly keep pushing you to max out the limit...

I'm glad to say that I finally got to be good enough at trading, and I decided to give up trucking for good...Now I get to stay at home every day, and I make enough to cover all our bills and a bit extra to put into savings...Some of the extra goes into Municipal CD's, and I'm buying physical gold and silver these days thinking that if the dollars crashes, this is a smart way to go...

My vision board doesn't have a lot on it...We have a great old house on four acres out in the county down south...I don't mind that it's almost 50 years old...We have decent vehicles...We have our health...We are reasonably happy most of the time...We don't need a lot of fancy stuff...Basically, our life if blessed...So on my vision board, I just have the words: "STAY HEALTHY & BE HAPPY"...

Thanks for posting your thoughts here, and I hope to see you again soon...
