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01/27/10 1:58 PM

#32116 RE: coydog #32115

Sleazy democrats have no bounds to lies and deceit...Probably has Obama’s, Nancy’s and Reeds fingerprints all over it...

January 24, 2010
Obamaites Caught in "Letter-Writing" Astroturfing Campaign
Patterico, The Cleavland Plain Dealer and some other intrepid souls have uncovered what appears to be a genuine astroturfing campaign by Obamacrats who are writing boilerplate pro-Obama letters to newspaper editorial sections across the nation.

They use different handles like "Ellie Light," "Mark Spivey," and a host of made up names, made up info about their residences and cut-and-pasted replications of Obama Administration propaganda. Newspapers across the country, of course, found these letters very compelling and printed them without knowledge that they were being used as willing dupes in this political astroturf operation.

Aside from Light's messages, duplicate pro-Obama letters have been submitted to dozens of publications by writers identified as "Jan Chen," "Gloria Elle," "Cherry Jimenez," "Janet Leigh," "Earnest Gardner," "Jen Park," "Lars Deerman," "John F. Stott," "Gordon Adams," "Nancy Speed," "Sheila Price," "Clarence Ndangam," "Vernetta Mason," "Greg Mitchell," "Ermelinda Giurato," "J. Scott Piper," "Robert Vander Molen" and "Terri Reese."

Thanks to Google, we're finding out that this was a political spamming operation possible links to Obama groups like Organizing for America and is not "grassroots" operation in any sense.

Be sure to read Patterico's roundups of what papers these astroturfed propaganda letters appeared in and when.

Can you spell "DESPERATION," Obamacrats? How about "BUSTED?"

It's amazing how the radical leftists claim to care about the people, yet they are all too happy to misrepresent themselves when "the people" don't support what they are doing. if you don't have support, you manufacture the appearance of it. the radical leftists do not respect the concept of FOR the people and BY the people; they do not respect the concept of representative government.