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01/26/10 11:33 PM

#90754 RE: StephanieVanbryce #90751

Very interesting. Michael Reilly ..

Discovery Channel News Earth Science Correspondent
Earth Producer, Discovery News. Geologist / tech geek. Maker of pies.

Wow! At the top, global warming?? much as 6
degrees by 2100, almost twice, the IPCC surface projection.

hogs, could be stuck on 'what do i say to this?? .. can't say
oh, new information, thanks' .. it would crack the make-up ..

As much as Himalayan Ice Core, science indicates iced radioactivity pulse

leftovers from American and Russian atomic bomb testing in the 1950's and 1960's.

In the Naimona'nyi samples, there was no sign of the tests. In fact, the
glacier had melted so much that the exposed surface of the glacier dated to 1944.

"We were very surprised not to find the 1962-1963 horizon, and even
more surprised not to find the 1951-1952 signal
," Thompson said. [...]

"At the highest elevations, we're seeing something like an average of 0.3 degrees Centigrade warming per decade," Thompson said. "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects 3 degrees of warming by 2100. But that's at the surface; up at the elevations where these glaciers are there could be almost twice as much, almost 6 degrees."

"I have not seen much as compelling as this to demonstrate how some glaciers
are just being decapitated," Shawn Marshall of the University of Calgary said.