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01/26/10 6:07 PM

#4744 RE: kenborland #4743

I really doubt that,he has a number and you could have called him (toll free) instead of emailing back and forth ....NICE TRY
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01/26/10 7:49 PM

#4750 RE: kenborland #4743

Report it to the SEC.
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01/26/10 7:57 PM

#4751 RE: kenborland #4743

You should have heeded my warning about sending an email to LW. See my post 4713 where I wrote;

"Now if we email him, guess what, he now has our email addresses to expose to spammers etc."

Been there, done that!

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

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Last Chance

01/26/10 10:41 PM

#4768 RE: kenborland #4743

Too Funny!.. UCHB is Such a SCAM.

#1. First, LTT posts an “Open Letter to Larry Wilcox” with relevant questions.

#2. Then, other say “why don’t you contact him directly”.
(i.e. “If anyone wishes to inquire about the company or its current ventures I highly suggest that you either call the company as previously recommended or email him. The email is" )
(see post 4712: )

#3. Now, someone actually send s Larry Wilcox an email with the questions found in LTT’s “Open Letter to Larry Wilcox”.

#4. Not only does Larry Wilcox not answer the questions but he posts the name of the person that sent him the email on Ya###! Message Boards and calls him derogatory names.

#5. Now, people are saying you should have phoned him instead of sending an email.
(i.e. "Again, why not call the ceo if he has 3 different numbers, including toll free?”
“why not call the CEO instead of emailing back and forth????” )
(see posts: 4764 and 4761

#6. LTT warned people not to contact Larry Wilcox because Wilcox would then have information about you.
(i.e. “Now if we email him, guess what, he now has our email addresses to expose to spammers etc.” )
(see post : 4713

#7. Certain bagholders are grasping at straws saying things like.. “you’re all the same posters” or “it’s you other alias” or “it’s all made up” - Too Funny!

It does not get any more obvious than this boys and girls ---



Larry Wilcox is a SCAMMER.
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Last Chance

01/26/10 11:31 PM

#4773 RE: kenborland #4743

Has Anyone Actually Read Wilcox’s Reply

Here’s some excerpts of Larry Wilcox’s extraneous and semi-coherent response to the poster’s questions:

(Green text is Wilcox’s words – verbatim .)

What Wilcox Said: “We expect to make an announcement regarding our “past inferences” within the next week or so.“

What Wilcox Meant: UCHB will put out another dishonest Press Release soon regarding our previous lies.

What Wilcox Said: “We have also drilled most of the first well, but it is cold and freezing there now so we are on hold.”

What Wilcox Meant: We will stall and delay the oil thing as long as we can, until it’s a complete failure.

What Wilcox Said: “ I hope you can be patient one or two more months.”

What Wilcox Meant: I know UCHB has never (10+ years) turned a profit, but hang in there a little bit longer because I don’t think you’re that bright.

What Wilcox Said:my agenda is to furnish revenue and not promotion.

What Wilcox Meant: My agenda is to promote the heck out of UCHB and take all the money I can without getting caught.

What Wilcox Said: "We do have some “past felons and people” who continue to be parasitic drag, or use surrogates for such but we do not want to address their crimes"

What Wilcox Meant: I’m a nut job and I wear a tin foil hat so on one can hear my thoughts. The black helicopters are here.

What Wilcox Said: “we have been and the tenaciousness of the goal under such circumstances……….REVENUE; REVENUE; REVENUE! “

What Wilcox Meant: I’ve been doing this for 10+ years…… SCAM; SCAM; SCAM!

What Wilcox Said: “one cannot do that until they prepare a baked loaf of bread….and we must bake at least one loaf first to get to the next rung on the ladder.”

Whar Wilcox Meant: ….ummmm… loafs of bread and ladders…..ummm….. I have NO Idea what Wilcox meant.

Larry Wilcox is Too Funny!

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01/28/10 1:40 AM

#4783 RE: kenborland #4743

Larry Wilcox is a lying scammer and has been one for a very long time. His history is sordid and has had associations with convicted Russian mobsters (one of the Russians was even named COO here for a brief stint) and he has lied about one business after another in this scam shell. Anyone who trusts Wilcox is going to get jammed hard.

Mr. Wilcox wrote that he would answer my questions only if I gave him my name, address, phone number and met with him in person in Los Angeles.

I sent Mr. Wilcox and email clarifying my request for this information.

This morning I find the name associated with my email address posted in UCHB.PK Yxxxx! Finance Message Forums. This post called me a “Basher”.

The ONLY association between me and UC Hub were my personal emails to Larry Wilcox. Larry Wilcox either posted the information himself or had someone else do it. There is NO other explaination.

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01/28/10 1:52 AM

#4784 RE: kenborland #4743

A Must Read on Wilcox:
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01/28/10 12:56 PM

#4791 RE: kenborland #4743

Yesterday I sent Mr. Larry Wilcox an email giving him one last chance to explain his scandalous behavior.

In my email I explained my postings on InvestorsHub.Com, I also explained that I was contemplating filing a complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission, I asked for an apology or explanation for his actions, and lastly I informed him that I won’t just go away.

Since I did not get any reply to my emails I am following through on my words. This morning I filed a Formal Complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission. It is a very easy process and takes about 2 minutes. Here is the URL -

If anyone else has complaints concerning UCHUB or Mr. Larry Wilcox, I suggest you use that link.

Below is my email to Mr. Larry Wilcox.

From: -removed -
Sent: Wed, January 27, 2010 9:17:31 AM
Subject: Your Outlandish Actions

Mr. Larry Wilcox,

I have submitted a post on InvestorsHub.Com detailing your inappropriate actions.

The post is available for the entire public to see. It can be viewed at the link below.

I will also begin sending this information to other people, forums, message boards, and government authorities.

I am seriously contemplating filing a complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding your outlandish actions.

I am still hoping for an apology from you before I escalate this further.

Rest assured I will not just quietly fade away!

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01/31/10 2:55 PM

#4819 RE: kenborland #4743

Information on UCHB

(note: This post is entirely about the stock UCHUB and its CEO Mr. Larry Wilcox.)

A number of people have sent me resources of relevant information on UCHB and its CEO Mr. Larry Wilcox.

This is what I have so far.

UCHUB Company Website:

UCHB’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission:

An unofficial company blog:

A blog that reviews current and past dealings of UCHB and Mr. Larry Wilcox:
Specific Blog Entries about UCHB and Mr. Larry Wilcox:

A blog that reviews the current and past financial filings of UCHB and Mr. Larry Wilcox:

A blog that reviews Mr. Larry Wilcox, UCHB and their with past dealing with a convicted felon Mr. Anthony Mellone:
Specific Blog Entries about UCHB and Mr. Larry Wilcox:

A listing of UCHB’s past failures:

Please post any other relevant information you may have on UCHB and Mr. Larry Wilcox.

Thanks and have a great weekend.