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01/23/10 10:12 AM

#25087 RE: Gold Seeker #25082

Gold, as far as launching dog recaf in February, we are approaching the last week in January. Would it have made sense to launch this PROPERLY without the resources to back it up? This is a new venture, and as such, it requires months of preparation and a fair amount of money. Without funds IN THE BANK there is no way he could launch. How would he pay his creditors? You don't put the cart before the horse. You can't start a business venture without having all your ducks in a row. Since he will be doing the marketing and testing, he may need to hire additional employees. Who is answering technical questions? What are the hours operation? Most vets are open 6-7 days a week. How are the samples arriving to Biocurex? How will doctors sell recaf to their clients? At what fee? What is the turnaround time? Does he need new software or newer computers? How about the reagants? Will he have pamphlets and signs to advertise Doggy recaf to distribute to the vet clinics? These are just a few things they have to work out.
Since Biocurex is in Vancouver it would be logical he starts out in Vancouver. It will be a "tell" as to the demand and how to properly launch recaf in other areas of Canada and finally the US. I am certain if the 10K comes out next quarter and dog recaf understandably has a slow start due to the fact we are entering new uncharted territory, Gold will prematurely declare victory. Of course, he also thinks a newborn should come out of the womb and win a triathlon.
Don't forget Dr Burger is overseeing the development of the POC test. IMO, Dr Moro will approach his partners and no longer wait for them to apply for the 510K. He has, and continues to lose valuable time with the patents the longer he relies on big pharma to run the trials. IMO, he will work something out with samples from Goshen or Bhlokin and run hisown trials and in a few months he will have FDA clearance and he will never look back.