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Replies to #89490 on Biotech Values


01/23/10 8:07 AM

#89495 RE: genisi #89490

OT: (Extraordinary Measures) Spoiler Alert!!

I am debating whether to see the movie now or just what for video/tv (the promos make it seem like a TV movie IMO). I read the book a while ago and enjoyed it (read as a drama/human interest with a touch of science and finance).

Don't read further if you want to see the movie without parts of it possible revealed!

In the book there were a couple of interesting tidbits that I thought would detract from a movie portraying Crowley as a Hero.
1. Myozyme was NOT the Enzyme from Canfields labs/Novazyme. Your article talks about Genzyme having 4 (I thought it was 3 but my memory isn't that great :-)). Anyway one of the others ultimately was picked. The book does go into some of the science why (in a little detail too). I thought this would go against the appeal of the movie and perhaps they would even twist it to make it seem that Canfield/Crowley's compound won out.
2. At one point Crowley and someone else fuge an experiment that Canfield won't do. I think they are trying to get money (From Neose?) and they needed to show some results of tests in mice and Canfield insists they weren't ready but Crowley sees the company as desperate for money so they inject the mice.

If anyone sees the movie I would be curious to know how/if they depict these two events.