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01/22/10 10:44 PM

#34307 RE: Deer Slayer 9791 #34306

Yours today, begging for another chance, misses that the plan being followed for the last year WAS exactly that... another chance for Drago to do the right thing... beginning when the settlement was reached.

That discussion you suggest "should be" held now... WAS held already... also just over a year ago, already. The situation we see now... is a result of Drago's consistent failures to live up to any of his responsibilities under the agreement that WAS reached as a result of that conversation, and the settlement that resulted from it.

We've already been down that path, and the only result of it was Drago lying, wasting our time, stealing our $, testing our patience, and more... that will matter more to others now than to the shareholders, I expect. How many times do you think it is reasonable that shareholders should play the game of "fool me once"... twice, three times ?

Although... this time... from the start, there wasn't anyone being fooled... perhaps except Drago, and the various minions and flying monkeys... who all appear to have done a fine job of fooling themselves, in spades.

DD already HAD his chance to "move the company forward" and all he did with that opportunity was waste time, screw things up, trying always to take more for himself while obstructing any potential for "moving forward"... at every chance. He, along with the various minions and flying monkeys, also crossed a number of bright lines they should not ever have crossed.

They annoyed the wrong people in the process.

All they ever needed to do to have it succeed wildly, after the settlement was reached, was NOT screw it up... but, instead...

DD decided he could hold us all hostage, and use his "position" and "leverage" and many false promises to buy time, while he tried to take full ownership of the patents for himself... and, only when he thought he had bled the company dry, while controlling every event, knowing all that the company was doing, etc., so that there could be no possible resistance that might appear... THEN he tried to simply take all of it for himself ?

Now... he wants another chance ? Asking, in itself, shows he still has no real awareness or even a basic concept of what it is that is going on, IMO...

That he did all he has here while enlisting some few other shareholders in a conspiracy to help him... and encouraged some others to violate their own fiduciary responsibilities, or other obligations they have, along with knowingly violating the CLYW shareholders rights ? Hmmmm.

The intended scam was based not only on his intentionally made false promises, IMO... but those were promises I think no one here ever believed for a second. I see no evidence that he ever has acted in good faith, here... not once... and I expect that means you cannot trust that he can or ever will.

His recent execution of the final steps, in the planned effort made to steal the patents from shareholders, was based on his expectation in timing, thinking that by now... with a quick strike to steal them... there just wasn't going to be anything any of the shareholders could do about it. That error obviously included, he made a significant number of mistakes... grossly misreading the entire situation from the very start. I expect he also had some significant help and encouragement in so grossly misreading the situation.

That does not appear to me to create any new reason, now, for shareholders to do anything other than demand full justice, while "negotiating" through the proper, and purposeful prosecution of their own legal efforts, defending their rights from all classes of wrongdoers... after which, some few other prosecutions might appear to be more than reasonable...

Those stupid enough to have supported or followed him while knowing of and participating in executing "his" plan... deserve what they will get, I expect.

What does "doing the right thing" now require ??? Perhaps some few of the minions and flying monkeys will be excused from proper justice, given proper cooperation with the shareholders AND the relevant authorities ? I don't know... and as I've said before, that isn't my primary concern, given my focus is limited to seeing the right thing is done... in the shareholders interest... as a first obligation. I think the only second chance anyone will get... will be as a result of a full surrender followed by full and total cooperation in every aspect.

IMO, the company's recent filings said it just about right...

Drago HAD his last chance to surrender on the extended effort being made to prosecute his various frauds, and to negotiate a graceful exit for himself, and he just blew that off...

A bad choice ? Certainly. Devastatingly bad, for him. And, in my opinion, only the slimmest tip of the iceberg in how bad a choice that was... has begun to be made apparent, yet.

I think it likely the choice he made then WAS and IS irrevocable, irreversible. There can be no "second chances" now, even if they do plead for them. Given the facts, I believe that is now true even, only, as a pure function of the logic...

Should he be given another chance, now, by shareholders, to try to obviate or unwind "some aspects" of the various scams he was practicing ? I don't think so, only as he has already been given and encouraged to take, many, many chances to do the right thing, and he has ignored... even laughed at... every single one of them. That is true, in spite of repeated efforts made for over a year... right up until now... ?

Only when it is obvious to everyone that he has hanged himself is there any interest at all expressed in doing even a small part of "the right thing". And then... he offers us a "compromise" that promises only a right to have us be hanged with him ?

I don't think so...

Whatever my opinion about the consequences I think should apply to various actors for their individual choices made in the clear misbehavior that we see, I think THAT opinion doesn't matter.

I genuinely don't think it is possible, now, to HAVE that "rapprochement" for DD that they've suddenly decided to seek, here, through proxy henchmen, only today.

I think it is likely that were shareholders to make the choice to engage it, that might necessarily cause a joining in the ownership of some of the problems that have been created by DD. Given Drago appears to have been so blissfully unaware of so much, as he has blundered his way through this, I don't find it particularly surprising that he might be clueless about that as well. He should have listened and taken heed when he had the chance.

As long as CLYW "does the right thing" and only that, I expect CLYW will prevail... and I expect that shareholders will find that winning this fight offers them far more value than they've expected they might have from a success in a very long time. The second CLYW steps off the path of "doing the right thing" it becomes more likely, probable, in my estimation, that the choice will prevent success and ensure failure... while immediately reducing vastly the value any success could deliver. That makes the choice not a very hard one, IMO.

Dismissing the obvious problems that got us to here... is clearly not "the right thing to do"...

Whatever he says, Drago will not do willingly what he would need to do to eliminate the problems that must be eliminated... and even if you thought he might, you couldn't trust that he would.

The tar baby of problems that Drago has created for himself, are still his problems. That tar baby he crafted has lept by itself, with him, straight into the heart of the briar patch ? It is stuck in there with him, screaming in pain ? Now, they are encouraging you to leap on in there, too ?

If you don't find that screaming falls as music in your ears, I think we should quickly move along, and get well out of hearing range... to lessen any annoyance it causes...

IMO, cooperating with them now, given anything less than a total surrender to shareholders every demand, would create vastly LARGER risks for shareholders than those that exist now in prosecuting this fight to its conclusion. The impact of NOT fighting and winning this fight... might be that the patent fight with T-Mobile... whether prosecuted by CLYW or by any other... likely could not ever be won.

So, leave that damned, sticky, smelly, crying tar baby alone... as that is the right thing to do.

Drago's frauds must fail... to have ANY ASPECT of the value of the patents survive...

The truth is as simple as that... and that has ALWAYS been the truth... even though the more clueless here that have been blinded to so many other things, may have been blinded to that fact as well. Even if CLYW loses this fight, and Drago wins... which I judge is hugely unlikely... it will still not preserve a single shred of potential future value in the patents for those on the "winning" side. There IS no value in the patents... unless CLYW wins this fight. Period.

Those promised a share in that value they've intended to help steal... expecting to be rewarded when Drago wins... have always, only, been promised a share in an empty bag, for which they've taken some enormous risks. IMO, the structure of the FACTS and the LAW requires that is true.

So, I support nailing his hide to side of the barn for many reasons... right along with the hides of all the others who so richly deserve only that... and I see that, for a number of reasons, as both the ONLY path likely to enable ANY benefit... and the only one which is likely to succeed in its purpose.

That, and it IS the right thing to do.

T-Mobile will not and cannot win this case... when Drago et al are made irrelevant.

Ya'll have a nice weekend.