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08/13/02 11:03 PM

#15082 RE: Ace Hanlon #15076

Excellent post George, The path the US is currently choosing has potential consequences that could be devastating to our economic well being, Good luck to you and all here, I fear we may need all that we can get

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Zeev Hed

08/13/02 11:13 PM

#15090 RE: Ace Hanlon #15076

I will object to derogatory statements about prior Presidents as much as I object to those about Bush. I did not vote for him, by the way. What surprises me is the lack of historical perspective people have about Presidents and the Market. The market have historically performed much better during Democratic administrations than Republican one, since Hoover, at least. (g). This is not politics, it is simply a statistical fact.


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Tech Investor

08/14/02 1:03 AM

#15136 RE: Ace Hanlon #15076

Well said, George. What else can one expect from GWB?
He was only a C student.

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Lane Hall-Witt

08/14/02 8:32 AM

#15201 RE: Ace Hanlon #15076

And Clinton got over 50% of the vote.

Just to be nit-picky, he didn't, although he won handily in both 1992 and 1996.

1996: Clinton, 49.24%; Dole, 40.71%; Perot, 8.40%.

1992: Clinton, 43.01%; Bush, 37.45%; Perot, 18.91%.