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01/22/10 11:18 AM

#2175 RE: User-65225 #2174

PS: If you have an active stock and a management that is dedicated to increasing its value, more people will approach you with funding options... Who wants to fund a dead stock and get stuck for years?

Public companies have to have a balance between increasing their revenue/profits and increasing awareness for the company... They both go hand in hand.

Attracting investors helps in many ways... Like we see with WN#D, who has a very active shareholder base helping increase product awareness across the globe... They have shareholders active in South Korea, Germany, Canada, USA, etc.. and WN#Ds market cap is $17,000,000 with revs close to PFSDs

PFSDs market cap under $2,000,000 is way too low IMO... This stock hit a cap of over $10,000,000 years ago and the balance sheet is MUCH healthier now. There has not been much dilution since then either... The only difference is back then they put effort towards attracting interest.

They have proven that they're a legit and respectable company, so i dont see any harm in hyping the stock up a bit, especially when its undervalued... You have to fight to get noticed nowadays.