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02/06/01 12:49 PM

#5395 RE: Brettin #5394

The MMs have their way with any BB stock they choose to.You are correct, all A@P has to do is plant a seed of doubt and people do a good job of letting it play head games with their judgment.

Crookk (GSP)

02/06/01 12:51 PM

#5396 RE: Brettin #5394

Brettin...It looks like the uncertainty has nothing to do with the stock price.. As B. Branum has said in a long post on Raging bull... He saw the stack of securview cameras all boxed up and the top rows had products in them ...the lower rows of boxes were empty..and he asked Jr cox ..and he confirmed this ... Now is that uncertainty or perhaps trickery by McBride? I dont know.. but seems if you put boxes and make it appear as stock there should be some stock in the boxes since they are not apackaging firm and not showing the boxes as the products but whats inside which should be the product? This is what I rememebr from reading his post ..verify and look it up yourself just to be sure... He has many other very valid points and claimed he sold most of his shares. Now this is from a poster who Rich McBride stated was a friend in his one of his last releases or views... IMHO!


02/06/01 12:53 PM

#5398 RE: Brettin #5394

Just added more shares....

I wasn't going to add anymore shares but at this price I couldn't help myself. There are still a lot of questions about the CEO but no ones seems to be questioning the PRODUCTS! It's the products that will make this company grow. Our CEO will only regulate the speed at which it grows.

Too bad Bill B. decided to dump all over us after his exit. I'm sure A@P thanks you. Perhaps you should contact him for an interview so you can recoup some of your loses.

BTW, where is the list of questions that were compiled? Did all the questions get asked? Did all questions get answered?