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01/20/10 3:54 PM

#4713 RE: fbeals1 #4712

"Why would anyone use this platform to try to contact the CEO of the company."

As for using this "platform", I want others that are looking at UCHB to see the way Larry Wilcox does his scam business. We don't even know the exact location for the gold and gem mines, we don't know exactly who we are JV'ed with, we have seen zippo assays and permit details, and the list goes on and on. Investors have no way to verify anything LW says.

Also these boards are for the very purpose of discussing the pros and cons of a stock and a good CEO should take notice of what's being said!

" He does not read this board"

Well he must read these boards because he sure responded to other questions like in this 12/10/09 shareholder letter!

Shareholder Update
Dear Shareholder:

From time to time we get input from people who enjoy writing negative stories or using negative slurs that seem therapeutic for one's perceptions. Today we listened to the accusations and dramatic stories build because we did not post a PDF of a PERMIT. UC HUB does not have a permit, so today for the blogger's who refuse to come forward with their true identities and instead hide behind the monikers they are referring to themselves as Nelson S, Steve T. and Carl V. . . . I contacted the driller to get his permit number so you could move on in life with a positive. That permit number is 060237 and is filed with the State according to the driller.

Well if he would give us the info I asked for, which any reasonable professional CEO should and would do in a PR instead of having to ask, we wouldn't be having this discussion now would we.

Instead he insults those asking questions that any good investor should be asking by saying "From time to time we get input from people who enjoy writing negative stories or using negative slurs that seem therapeutic for one's perceptions."

Also notice he says; "those who refuse to come forward with their true identities and instead hide behind the monikers they are referring to themselves as Nelson S, Steve T. and Carl V. . . ."

Now if we email him, guess what, he now has our email addresses to expose to spammers etc.

As for that permit number, it is bogus since UCHB nor rector drilling is listed as those in possession of that permit.

" and he is certainly restricted from making comments here."

Well according to some posters on this board, LW is telling him things about a reality TV show around the gold and gem mines. Is that not inside info, or was the poster lying?

Last Chance

01/26/10 10:52 PM

#4770 RE: fbeals1 #4712

Your Instructions were followed to the letter.

You wrote: “If anyone wishes to inquire about the company or its current ventures I highly suggest that you either call the company as previously recommended or email him.
The email is”

Well that didn’t work out too well did it?

For Good Info See:

UCHB is a Fraudulent Company employing Unscrupulous People. (a.k.a. SCAM)