Gman, I'd rather not at this time, I try to talk in generalities when bringing up what I think a company should be doing to get out their word. As an investor with 6 million shares I neither want to exploit or hurt a companies chances of the stock going up.
I do know, that as business owner, we sit down and discuss the upcoming year, advertising schemes,print, when, where, how and why. Review the competion and how were going to better last year. We are not being told by IFSL what their upcoming plans for ANYTHING BUt their wellness program which sales DO NOT FIGURE into IFSL's overall sales figures. ( yeah I know, buy into it and your also into the debt free program)
Personally, and I've said before, how do you get a family who is struggling to make ends meet, enter the IFSL program spending more money with hopes of someday putting a few dollars in their pocket. They need money to become debt free, not spend more in the short term. IMO
ps...and there I went and talked about it...kind of sitting in my throat wanting to come out.