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01/17/10 10:13 PM

#51387 RE: RDG013 #51386

haha the only replies I ever get look like this:

I am out of the office at meetings in New York and will be back on

at least I know he is just ignoring me, rather than my emails going to the wrong address.


01/17/10 10:33 PM

#51391 RE: RDG013 #51386

Simply not true...He always answers my questions...and you seem to be the only one on this board that says he doesn't....When was the last time you tried???


01/17/10 10:52 PM

#51395 RE: RDG013 #51386

"That is just simply not true. CM does not answer everyone's questions. If you ask for a straight answer he stops answering your questions and your emails are never returned!"


Poor Charles Moskowitz! You know, I really suspect that if he had his druthers, he would be staffed up to answer everyone's questions with the finest elocution any of us have ever read. He is probably a good man and one whom we'd all enjoy sharing dinner and a pint with. I've seen nothing to tell me other wise.

But I think that it is quite clear that he is bombarded with so many redundant questions, which he is not at liberty to answer, that he grows weary and hardened by the task at hand. Nevertheless, he has taken on the investor relations job and I suspect that he knows all too well what it entails, like it or not.

We don't get many of our answers. That's a fact. And many of us do not receive responses to our emails. That also is a fact. And do we ever have questions about our investments, the pps, on and on and on and they are all very valid pertinent questions, which we quite simply do not and can not get answers too.

So, what is the issue? We can clearly see the hand we have been dealt. No surprises, no decently compiled PRs and only a dark hole in the water where we have poured our hard earned money thinking that we had done our DUE DILIGENCE and believed in the company and management that we were investing in.

Now we grow weary and our financial losses are rising above 70% for most of us and we still are not accorded the courtesy or respect or consideration of a how-do or kiss my A$$. I guess that you could say that may be frustrating, in fact angering.

Perhaps it is somewhat like being in the Army. My son is now serving in Afghanistan and he has a battalion location to send his mail and packages of goodies and is constantly on the move, literally hundreds of miles from his home base. I guess that it is like the Army in that you sign up and get what you get, no questions asked, that's what it is and if you are lucky, you will get something for your investment. Hopefully!

I don't believe that chastising CM is going to do anything more than drive him further from his indicated PR responsibilities as we see them. It is a hopeless hapless situation for both he and ourselves.

Now we have made our decisions and have little choice but to live with them and see this thing through unless we are prepared to take a 70% or more loss on our investments. If you think that the pps is good for investment today, it just may be even better tomorrow.

As we all angst over one of our finest business investment decisions, we had just better be hoping beyond all hope that Mark Dotson and Charles Moskowitz and the rest of the BOD have a clue as to how they are going to make this enterprise work. Otherwise, we just have another failed venture where investors with good faith have had their pockets picked.

It probably isn't going to make much difference whether or not we cheer on Copper King Mining or curse it out of frustration. How this turns out is clearly independent of any of our feelings or aspirations. We're just like those remora clinging to a big hammer head, just along for the ride.

It will do us no good to chastise MD or CM or ourselves, for that matter. CPRK appeared to be a good investment with lots and lots of upside potential, and it still may be. We all bashed about with MD's historical past, for what ever truth or fiction might have been posted, and some left our ranks and some sold their shares and some of us held on for dear life as we touted our superior vision. Well, that's me, still hanging on for dear life. My choice, my decision, right or wrong, for better or worse.

With an attitude like mine I quite simply have no choice but to JUST SHOW UP and in the mean time make the best of the situation as I can. It will be hard to explain to my family how I lost it all, if it comes down to that............