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01/16/10 11:55 PM

#282853 RE: stoxmagic #282852

A need of sticking to the factual as best one can. Avoiding a conveniently slanted perspective

do you mean like ignoring the other scams (sarcasm intended) like the mets, the yankees and MSG but focussing and declaring as fact, an unsubstantiated post on some other chat board. Conveniently slanted sums it up pretty well.
Deal with it.. This one's going to the .02's and then soon to the sub pennies or worse. All the fairy tales in the world ain't gonna save this one.

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01/17/10 12:20 AM

#282855 RE: stoxmagic #282852

Are you serious? Check out VAEV's string of PR's and see where M&M are focusing their attention. Its like they shut the door on spongetech and ran over to VAEV. They even had a "name the mascot contest". Seriously, what are they thinking? Why not focus on Spongetech? Ironically, a certain poster disappeared here and went to promote them. Nothing but PR's from them over the last couple of months. Meanwhile Spongtech gets ignored, with Pink Panther supposed to have been released by year's end. Now its April? How hard is it do make a pink sponge that looks just like Dora's flower sponge. So since SpongeBob, they have upgraded their puddle pals and a football. Now we have 2 sponges coming out that look the same, and what kid has even heard of the pink panther these days?

I have said it once, I'll say until all ears bleed. Hire a CEO and CFO that are dedicated to Spongetech. Quit playing games, you see what happens. Release your share structure, tell of your plans to get back on OTCBB, and get to work. I am afraid the brand damage you have done is irreversible.
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Stock Stallion

01/17/10 12:22 AM

#282857 RE: stoxmagic #282852

Lack of performance calling for action on management's part. Stopping payment or otherwise failing to honor the outstanding. Checks bouncing.

It is a FELONY to bounce a check or to STOP payment on a check after services are rendered. We shall see in a court of law where SPNG stands :)
The METS and MSG filed suit, so i'm sure they were advised by competent attorneys.
Look for felony charges to follow.

Again, more SPNG lies via it's messengers.

Stay tuned for more lawsuits to follow in the weeks to come. IMO
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01/17/10 12:49 AM

#282860 RE: stoxmagic #282852

Stox, et al
In light of events, past and present

now being illuminated
to the full view of all

with yet more on which light shall be shed

SEC actions, Mets a suing, MSG joining fray
as creditors unpaid and IMC firing similar shots,
formally claiming earned royalties long past due ... Yankees divorcing

Two class Actions rearing their ugly heads with
share holders feeling jilted, alleging fraud & deceipt,

All such things adding to questions already surrounding,
Further clouding atmosphere and wrenching even the staunchest of longs

missing customers, brought to light by an enterprising reporter, revenues unknown, filings being delinquent, OS being a secret guarded most closely ... bringing darkness to necessary facts,

PPS in agonizing, inexorable retreat,
shareholder net worth dwindling, holdings tending toward zero

All of items above mentioned starting to effect,
said effect on PPS, no doubt growing in near future

Suspension of logic, common sense and all reason
now being necessary to remain long ...
many now holding only because once large investment
now made too small to cause further concern

Think you not that the jig is now up?
that pretending no more serves purpose
Enticing others to certain financial doom
is all that can now be accomplished

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01/17/10 12:21 PM

#282951 RE: stoxmagic #282852

Are you ready for .0001? More lawsuits coming and the contingent liabilities continue to explode while the stock implodes.

While Nero plays away, sad, sad, sad........

Ready for Pike to exit? where is his stop loss? what kind of affect will 160million shares on the offer have .000x?
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01/17/10 8:11 PM

#283200 RE: stoxmagic #282852

Stox, et al In light of events, past and present

now being illuminated
to the full view of all

with yet more on which light shall be shed

SEC actions, Mets a suing, MSG joining fray
as creditors unpaid and IMC firing similar shots,
formally claiming earned royalties long past due ... Yankees divorcing

Two class Actions rearing their ugly heads with
share holders feeling jilted, alleging fraud & deceipt,

All such things adding to questions already surrounding,
Further clouding atmosphere and wrenching even the staunchest of longs

missing customers, brought to light by an enterprising reporter, revenues unknown, filings being delinquent, OS being a secret guarded most closely ... bringing darkness to necessary facts,

PPS in agonizing, inexorable retreat,
shareholder net worth dwindling, holdings tending toward zero

All of items above mentioned starting to effect,
said effect on PPS, no doubt growing in near future

Suspension of logic, common sense and all reason
now being necessary to remain long ...
many now holding only because once large investment
now made too small to cause further concern

Think you not that the jig is now up?
that pretending no more serves purpose
Enticing others to certain financial doom
is all that can now be accomplished

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01/18/10 11:31 AM

#283375 RE: stoxmagic #282852

Interesting post but none of it makes sense, and much of it totally inaccurate as far as SEC regs go. If I read it as Captain Kirk of the Enterprise style, it can be pretty good reading, though