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01/16/10 8:58 PM

#89547 RE: Sulphur Mt. #89542

Sulphur Mt. -- and so long as you're not trying to ram your religious beliefs and strictures down my or anyone else's throat via the law/government (or other use of force/compulsion), that's your absolute right, no problem -- it's when that line is crossed that the gloves quite properly come off


01/17/10 3:59 AM

#89578 RE: Sulphur Mt. #89542

Sulphur Mt. -- to confirm and clarify the impression I meant to convey in :

I am an agnostic, not an atheist -- it's a big uni/multiverse out there -- I don't any more know that there isn't some being corresponding in some sense to our notion of a god, broadly construed, than I know that there is -- I do know that I have not become aware of any direct evidence that there is (and I have looked) -- indeed, the uni/multiverse and we and this world of it in it are remarkable, but that doesn't prove anything as to whether a sentient god is behind all this -- and also and in particular given the real history and ongoing exploits of authoritarian, absolutist organized religions in this world's human affairs, well -- I'm 'from Missouri' on this -- if a god is out there and wants my attention, said god is just going to have to find a moment to stop by and introduce himself, or herself, or itself, as the case may be, to me, in person -- hasn't happened yet -- hope it does someday, and it turns out we indeed have been created as eternal beings -- as many do respectively, I could live with the notion of a good super-friend waiting out there and my self, my awareness and experience, continuing in some way or other, beyond my turn to shuffle off this mortal coil

and mindful of the distinctions both between organized religions/religious doctrines generally v absolutist fundamentalisms/dogmas in particular, and between organized religions/religious doctines v more empathic now-typically-called spirituality -- it's not that I'm against religion/religious belief as such so much as it is that I'm just long since fed up with all the relentless outrageous pretense and bullshit that just keeps coming from certain totally out-of-control folks who as it happens just happen to be 'ye must be saved or ye shall be chastened' fundies who just will not mind their own damned business and stop trying to force their stuff on the rest of us -- their long-since openly declared goal having been and remaining literally to turn this nation, us, into their particularly seriously twisted neo-libertarian version of a fundamentalist Biblical-law theofascism -- among other things/along the way, to attack/subvert/destroy/get rid of (what we've got left of) our secular Constitutional government and law and 'unalienable' rights under same