hey big,
we (BEHL) as a company was originally only MAKING pbr's and components. somewhere along the way df decided we (BEHL) was going to become a producer of algae and the high ticket items, "that he was only interested in the money", during the conference call, it was I who offered to come down in a diesel pickup and buy our (behl) diesel and make the trip back, making sure it was documented with a mini amatuer camera crew and that we'd be in direct competion with THAT other bio-fuel car and it's company. you know to promote our (BEHL) company and the advertisement of it would be free (utube stuffs). blew me off then like a dried up old maple leaf. oh well.
and the military aspect is also big time stuff, as are several bigtime farming conglomerates in need of diesel products. i can't imagine passsing up on all the other things algae can be used for. volume trumps demand just about anyday of the week doesn't it? thats why exxon had 40 billion profits for '08 and nearly as high for '09.