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01/14/10 10:02 PM

#206379 RE: JPetroInc #206376

Amen! EOM


01/14/10 10:10 PM

#206381 RE: JPetroInc #206376

Your best post EVER JP!!

Yellow sticky!!!!


01/14/10 10:13 PM

#206382 RE: JPetroInc #206376

It seems that the "rats" in this house are bigger than imagined. If, indeed this has been orchestrated (from the get-go), to advantage one shareholder over the other (since they both (should) stand to lose the same amount = 100% of their investment regardless of their invested amounts)...We may have a misunderstanding of fiduciary responsibilities to all shareholders...however, doesn't seem (yet) like their is much that can be done other than to spread the news ref the individuals involved in such a "sham"..Does it?


01/14/10 10:18 PM

#206385 RE: JPetroInc #206376

You forgot NEOM's pathetic guy too - ZIMA


01/14/10 10:28 PM

#206390 RE: JPetroInc #206376

JP, if Neustar can't get it going yet, then NEOM won't go far either.

The US market is going to be Hugh and would like to know what Neustar has been doing being the exclusive agent for NEOM here in the U.S.

Obviously it has been slow going for all parties involved.

The door is open for business but feel no one (Ad agencies) here in states understands what we are selling.

We really need for Neustar to get this market accepted.


01/15/10 12:58 AM

#206414 RE: JPetroInc #206376

Great post JP, buddy i sense your frustration! Your buddy McCready is in a bad way, his a man with no Country?

Ian is a good man, but they own the Company! They decide if diluting or selling Neom is the most return on their money? Ian, can bring the deals to the table....YA says yeah or Neh. The shareholders are just pawns.

Saving grace for shareholders is the threat of a lawsuit for failure to run a public company in accordance with Delaware Law and complete failure of fiduciary duties by the board. YA is under great pressure they have watchful eyes on them and their dubious pipe financing. One false move and a long drawn out audit from the SEC? perhaps FBI?

Mark Angelo and his merry band of pirates....they kind of remind me of Ethiopian pirate ships off the coast of East Africa.....sooner or later....

Sorry JP, iam not a member ihub.....and i am not who you think i am!hehe.

Lets hope and pray we get sold!

All the best


01/15/10 11:42 AM

#206498 RE: JPetroInc #206376

JP: Nice post. Yet some consier them such lovely, charming people who hang out at yacht clubs and sip champagne.

BTW, IMO anyone who joins Mensa and feels the need to let the world know about it has issues.


01/15/10 2:43 PM

#206541 RE: JPetroInc #206376

They won't talk about selling until they can reset the conversion price for the next 120 days. They undoubtedly will get the price at and below .005. Only one word for them. And decorum prevents my using it.


01/15/10 3:32 PM

#206571 RE: JPetroInc #206376


True dat, it's very sicking discovering your lost has grown from 84% to 92%.
Six years of hope and still hoping, well here's hoping the ticks sucking the
the life force from those that believed, will one day get thier over due SEC phone call.



01/15/10 6:24 PM

#206616 RE: JPetroInc #206376

Because they can and we are an easy mark......


01/15/10 6:49 PM

#206619 RE: JPetroInc #206376

that is why I sold off my position in NEOM. I see nothing good coming to NEOM land while YA has its grips around the neck of Neomedia. It is sad that they can blatantly rip off the shareholders so openly and not have anything done to them. Oh well. I learned my lesson. I didn't do enough DD before I bought and I have noone to blame but myself. I should have researched the outcomes of other companies YA did financing for instead of thinking that the product trumped the toxic financing. I feel like an idiot but I am blessed in that I can fight another day.


01/17/10 3:19 AM

#206811 RE: JPetroInc #206376

I truly sympathise with all NEOMites, particularly the ones who have been here for 5 years +.

I also feel for people like yourself JP, who have not only been in it for the long haul, but have made significant time sacrafices speaking to people, researching some great DD, and pouring a lot of time and energy into learning more about what NEOM does and feeding much of that info to us ehre on the board.

Given all of YA criminal and unethical money grab (which is a poor reflection on the US Security exchange industry - but thats aanother lecture), yours and others' hard work seems probably pointless to you now, given that every fundemental DD on NEOM means nothing when crooks like Angelo et al, can manipulate and coruptly cripple a company through financial scheming.

What do they actually create, apart from misery and money?

The financial system in the USA needs a massive ethical clean out, so companies can do what they do best - CREATE - and when they need financial help, they are loaned money at competitve rates, without the toxicity that follows groupos like YA.

So much more to say, so little energy.

Best to all.

PS Why we went up 35% perplexes me. I smell a trap!