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Bird of Prey

11/11/04 2:06 PM

#161 RE: BullNBear52 #160

Your last sentence shows how little you understand what Bush is about.

and for that matter what christianity is supposed to be about.
Absolutely Arafat was a terrorist. But, in the eyes of real christianity... you still have to "love thy neighbor". It's never easy, and sometimes it almost impossible.

As for the gay marriage ban...
Bush feels (as do many in this country apparently) that marriage should be between a man and a woman. So he said so.

Since you wish to open this can of worms... let's look at the other side.

As we all are (or should be) aware, the Gay and lesbian community has been actively working for many years to get a legal legitimized status (ala race, creed, religion) so that they can force employers, governments, etc. to treat them "special" (ala affirmative action).
one thing I learned from my father, if you want to know why something happens... follow the money.
We are told gays need to be allowed to be married because with a marriage certificate a gay surviving spouse would be entitled to all the benefits now granted to widows & widowers. Insurance policies, Social security, so forth and so on.
basically, they want to access money that currently they cannot. Money that currently stays in the hand of the government and insurance companies. On a smaller scale the families of the deceased are often opposed to the relationship and as we have seen in many battles over last wills even in hetero couples, it can get pretty nasty.

You seem upset because Bush, as president, spoke out on a topic you feel he should have remained quiet on.
I dare say that even without a presidential endorsement, most of the states in this country would vote for a gay marriage ban given the chance.
I personally have a problem with judges dictating morality or immorality. For years now the left has pushed it's agenda through the courts rather than legislation.
And perhaps that is the real reason so many liberals feel distraught. They realize that Bush can place a roadblock in their agenda that could take decades to overcome.
Since I don't consider myself to be significantly smarter than everyone else, I suspect a lot of folks that think and feel the way I do saw this election as an opportunity to stop the moral decay in this country... or at least slow it down for a while.