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01/12/10 12:30 PM

#193934 RE: Art2004 #193932

What is Shea blog name Thank You


01/12/10 12:55 PM

#193938 RE: Art2004 #193932

Joe`s one step away from eating lunch in the "bighouse" for trying to manipulate the share price with false info (IMO)


01/12/10 1:22 PM

#193946 RE: Art2004 #193932

Being an accountant by trade I can tell you no company the size of ERHC is going to spend 1.5 million in legal fees to keep someone from getting unemployment. If Ledbetter claimed unenployment the effect on ERHC would be higher state unemployment tax payments for the next three years(in Illinois, maybe texas also) but the cost to the companywould be less than Ledbetter claims he paid his attorney. In Illinois a company with only four employees, after lettig Ledbetter go would pay the maximum amount of unemployment on the $12,500 per employee that is taxable per year, so about 7% of $100,000. The rate can go as low as .06% or .006, if they had the lowest rate, we are talking the difference between $600.00 and $7000.00 or $6400.00, for three years. Who is going to pay 1.5 million to save $19,000, no one in their right mind.


01/12/10 1:47 PM

#193954 RE: Art2004 #193932

Ok, I just read Joe Shea's blog. Something doesn't smell right from that whole story.

According to the blog, Jim Ledbetter was fired in Dec. 2008. Also according to the story, Jim Ledbetter talked to Joe Shea on the phone as said "they found a lot of oil". So, when did these phone calls take place? Jim was fired way before they drilled the wells so Jim could not have quoted that information back when he was fired. Now, if Jim somehow found out that ERHE/Addax/Sinopec etc did actually find a lot of oil, then go buy the stock and quit your whinning! You are about to drastically improve your wealth..... If nothing else, Joe Shea can repurchase the stock and get off of food That is all we need, Joe Shea costing us tax payers more money by getting government support...

Either Joe Shea is greatly mixing his time frames of conversations with Jim which is very misleading or he is making this stuff up.

Either way, ERHE should be valued on the oil discovered plus future potential oil. Now, according to Jim Ledbetter, there was a lot of oil found. Great, another source to confirm good news is coming.

Good luck all