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01/11/10 9:28 PM

#82824 RE: Moron #82820

What flaw?

"iTunes is what most folks (in the context of iPhone users; read the whole sentence and try to retain it all so you can relate the beginning to the end) use to sync their calendar and mail and music and podcasts and App Store apps and iTunesU lessons etc etc etc to their iPhones."

I didn't say, or even imply, that most folks have iPhones, or use iTunes. Not everyone is that lucky. Most of the world gets by on a couple bucks a day or less. You jumped to that conclusion all by yourself. I don't actually know of any other method for an iPhone user to sync on the Mac or on Windows, get iTunesU materials, or App Store apps. As far as I know, iTunes is the only way, if you have an iPhone.

So, I'll say it again, in a shorter sentence that I hope you won't find so challenging to parse.

iTunes is what iPhone users use to sync their computer and its content with their iPhone, including but not limited to music, videos, calendar, email, college level educational materials, and App Store apps.

It isn't likely that anyone is going to persuade anyone to leave their iPhone behind and get a Nexus phone if they can't take their apps, books, etc with them, especially when the landscape is so bleak on the Nexus side. Who gets rid of their color television to get a black and white? Who gets rid of their car to get a horse. Sure, you can find them, but it will never become a trend.

Oh, and the really big world outside IS the Apple community.