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01/11/10 3:53 PM

#178526 RE: lawrenzo #178524

"We also expect greater market maker participation in our stock once this final formality is out of the way."

I'll be glad when that happens.
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Lurker from Mars

01/11/10 4:11 PM

#178527 RE: lawrenzo #178524

Anyone hear the economy collapsed in 2008 and it still has issues today? EI started by manufacturing their own product and now the industry is (almost 2 years to accomplish) and shareholders have been updated (though like pulling teeth) along the way...Let me be a "dictator know it all" and MAYBE shed a little light on your "history" of failed goals for 2009:

You show 3 dates on Uplisting/FINRA
You show 1 date where Clint states there is potential access to money upon uplist
You show 1 date where Clint states he wants shareholders involved during uplist

They uplisted, uplist issue closed

You show one post about filing timely - EI never late since uplisting...current...

You show 1 post about looking for a LOC - not completed yet

You show a post about new TA - completed

You show several about product changes, new licenses etc - you hear nothing so they must not be happening right?

You show 1 post about a new website - not completed

You show 3 posts about shows - products shown at both shows

9/30/9 - "We have been working behind the scenes to develop Eternal Image into the company that our shareholders and licensors expect

SOOOOO, the uplist was done, shows were attended/product shown, got a new TA and funding is being sought in a destroyed economy ....and they sold more than 2008...

Seems to me the comments in bold would depend upon any funding which the LOC/loan would have greatly helped with...Instead of diluting 500mil, EI slowed down growth to back off shares after they paid off $700k in the first qtr of 2009...

Following 1st qtr 09 in this economy, I'd say EI did a pretty good job of staying alive while attempting to negotiate funding the rest of the year...While doing this, they also initiated "gamechanger" talks which appear to be still going on and secured 2 new licenses which are apparently still in developement...

If you know anything about these licenses, you know that the licensee has the call for press releases, not EI...If you know about EI, you know that EI will not disclose certain info until it has the lock on the market for competition reasons...

Money makes the world go round....maybe EI should screw up what they have spent the last year doing by satisfying those that can't wait.....dilute the hell out of it, R/S, but at least EI will do things fast enough????

EVERYONE has been told this is a long

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01/11/10 4:24 PM

#178528 RE: lawrenzo #178524


"12/19/8 - The Company will now have an application submitted to FINRA (the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) for approval to have its common stock traded on the Over The Counter Bulletin Board (OTC:BB). This is a process that is expected to take approximately 30 days."

Took longer than expected but was completed

"12/19/8 - “It is our goal to be on the OTC:BB this winter, which will make the stock more transparent for our shareholders,” added Mytych."

This also took longer than expected but was completed. It has made the company more transparent to shareholders since filings now have to be made in a timely fashion.

"12/19/8 - "This positions us to for considerable future growth and provides us with access to necessary growth capital,” added Mytych."

I would agree with this statement since a fully reporting company on the Bulletin Board should have access to better financing than an electively reporting Pinksheet company.

"6/30/9 - "In an effort to end further dilution of our stock, Eternal Image has been working with Mastermind Venture Partners on a non-equity capital raise in the form of a perpetual credit line. We will be announcing the details of this credit line in conjuction with Ms. Susan Wong of Mastermind Venture Partners in the very near future."

To the best of my knowledge the company is still working on this project. No specific time lines were given for completion.

" 7/20/9 - "Even though Eternal Image stock has been listed on the Bulletin Board for the last week or so, there was a remaining request of FINRA that our market maker sponsor submit to them some specific quotation information. This was completed today. We expect a short turnaround of a few business days. We also expect greater market maker participation in our stock once this final formality is out of the way."

Does anyone know for sure whether or not the market maker participation has increased or not since they are a separate entity from Eternal Image itself?

"7/20/9 - "Eternal Image received 10% ownership interest in Eternal Remembrance, a new corporation. No stock or cash was paid by Eternal Image for this ownership interest. Eternal Remembrance is revolutionary, and the first of their kind in the urn repository market. We look forward to debuting more details about their global services at the NFDA show this October."

As far as I know the company did not debut the details but there also might have been some aspects of this transaction that were covered by non-disclosure agreements. There was no monetary cost to EI if I remember correctly.

"8/4/9 - "We are working on our next 10Q so it will not be delinquent. Some of you have expressed fears that there has been a massive increase in O/S. This is not the case at all. In fact, rest assured that any increase of the O/S that is greater than a few percentage points of the total O/S is considered a "material event" and is therefore bound to be disclosed in a Form 8K"

No 8K was filed as there was a small increase in the OS to clear up some company debt but under the amount to trigger a material event.

"8/4/9 - "Before the end of the year, we will be announcing at least one new license"

It is my opinion that this announcement was held back to wait for the completion of the finance agreement. It seems to me that this would be a smarter move on the part of the company.

"8/4/9 - "Before the end of the year, we anticipate announcing a game-changing partnership that has been taking shape behind the scenes since early 2009"

Again my opinionis that this also hinges on the ability to obtain financing.

"8/4/9 - "A newly designed Star Trek urn will soon be going on sale, and we plan to debut it to the world in conjunction with one of the largest Star Trek fan websites"

No specific time line given for this project

"8/4/9 - "A fresh content update to is currently in the works."

Company needs to work much faster on this as the website stinks.

"9/23/9 - "Eternal Image will be ushering in a new transfer agent service in the Fourth Quarter."


"9/30/9 - "All of our current product will be displayed at exhibits by our various manufacturing/distributing partners who will also process customer orders. This is a result of successful expansion of our distribution network that took place in 2009"

not all products displayed but a very representative group displayed by members of the distribution network.

"9/30/9 - "In previous years, we have used the show to debut new licensed products. We plan to announce two new licenses later this year, but product for these will not be available and thus better displayed at the 2010 show in New Orleans when ample development time can be achieved"

good idea

"9/30/9 - "Savings of $150,000 in attendance costs will have a direct positive impact on our Fourth Quarter financial statements as well as provide us the means to consummate some additional relationships"
We will have to wait till Q4 results are filed to assess the validity of this statement.

"9/30/9 - "Personnel from Eternal Image will attend the show to conduct meetings, check on all of our third party displays, and answer questions from distributors and funeral directors on the showroom floor"

I believe that there was representation from Eternal Image at the show, just not as great of numbers as we would have liked.

"9/30/9 - "We have been working behind the scenes to develop Eternal Image into the company that our shareholders and licensors expect, and will have several important communications to share in the coming weeks."

My opinion is that this is exactly what has been happening.


"7/28/9 - "Today FINRA approved the final quotation request that was part of our 15(c)(211). Market makers should be on the box later today with the initial pricing and others will follow"

"10/23/9 - "We have made the switch to our new Transfer Agent so there is more transparency with our shareholders going forward. Their policy of open communcation is something we've wanted to implement for a while."


"8/13/9 - "the expense of the extended uplist process cost much more than anticipated"

Don't you think that the process to uplist was far more costly and time consuming than the company had originally planned for? Had the company known in advance how many obstacles laid in the the way they might have chosen a different route to take.

8/13/9 - "production was slowed due to an evolutionary change in the execution of our business plan"

Yes I can see how production would have been slowed in the change from China based manufacturing to aquiring US manufacturing within the funeral idustry. Now the company has a much more reliable source of products and a large distribution network.

8/13/9 - "now that the uplist is complete, we have moved forward to secure financing for our new generation of licensed products. The company has already been transitioning from the developmental stage to the growth stage and we hope you will be pleased with the results."

Yes it is my opinion that the company is growing and is working towards becoming a fixture in the funeral industry for years to come. Financing has been a difficult task but the company is making every effort to get this done in these trying economic times. Also my opinion that we will be very pleased with the final results.

8/13/9 - "The 10Q shows a small increase in the Outstanding Share. This structure was necessary, as it was determined that a combination of limited increase and slow production was better than a massive increase in share structure."

The money from this was used to clear up some company debts and I totally agree that this was a better thing for all of us than runaway dillution to the share structure. My opinion is that we will see the benefits of this in the future.

As you state,"One can only wait and see if 2010 finds success for EI, continued water treading by EI, failure for EI, or ???." Since no one has a firm grip on what is going to come to pass each person has to do their own due dillegence and decide on what course of action they will be taking as to their investment in Eternal Image. As for me the path is clear, I WILL BE HOLDING THE SHARES THAT I HAVE AND ADDING MORE AS THE OPPORTUNITY PRESENTS ITSELF.
