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11/09/04 7:06 PM

#82279 RE: Zeev Hed #82271

i respect what you said there and good topics, but i will not stop speaking out against this immoral Iraq war....and today we lost between 10 and 17 men depending on what gov source you want to beleive (or not beleive!)
when we start (we already have ) taking the losses of our men and innocent iraq's for granted it is another low point in national conciousness...
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11/09/04 7:46 PM

#82286 RE: Zeev Hed #82271

Zeev asks, Is homosexuality really a choice or a god (or nature) inflicted problem on some member of our society.

It's neither a choice nor a God-given/genetic infliction. It's a behavior that is learned one way or another, usually through predatory exploitation and then becomes reinforced physiologically and socially to the point where it is so ingrained in the personality that the individual doesn't consider changing such an integral part of their character possible. Politics and religion have muddled this issue and what we hear discussed are the Phil Donahue and Rush Limbaugh charicatures of the scientific and philosophical questions. I don't think it's all that complicated.
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Alex G

11/09/04 9:07 PM

#82309 RE: Zeev Hed #82271

the fact that homosexuality ranks #4 in leading issues of our time says something... why is this even an issue?... what damage is it doing to society?
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nail bender

11/09/04 10:45 PM

#82337 RE: Zeev Hed #82271

Hello Zeev
1. Social security: Privatization of part of it. First issue is yes or no. If yes, second issue is how? The same way individual controls their IRA?
Yes privatize it
Only people with 25 years til eligibility should privatize and that money will go into a fund. If you are 20 you would be 90% stocks and 10 % bonds
If you are 60 you will be 90 % bonds 10% stocks
the scale will slide as you get nearer retirment age.
No way should we let people have as much freedom as we do with a IRA, people like Maine would go 100%long GOOG call options <g>

and another thing you said
I read some statistics, presented here last week, that divorce rates are lower in the northeast than in the red sates
Is that because all you boys up dere are Gay...or us boys down here are sick and tired of marrien our sisters <VBG>

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11/10/04 2:21 AM

#82413 RE: Zeev Hed #82271

"I read some statistics, presented here last week, that divorce rates are lower in the northeast than in the red sates, and furthermore, family value seems to be more observed there as well."


I would be interested to see a comparison on divorce rates between "born again" Christians who believe the Bible and all others. I would be surprised if the bias were not strongly skewed to more divorces among the latter. I would be shocked to find that family values were more "observed" amongst the "blue" voters.

I second your call for more civility on the board. It amazes me that YaYaa was banned from the board for double posting and overall being somewhat obnoxious, while outright childish cursing other posters has been tolerated.

Good suggestions for topics of discussion -- I hope things settle down here and discussions are held without resort to name calling and lies.
