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01/07/10 1:03 PM

#6145 RE: gappa2 #6144

those were my exact sentiments,a few shareholders bothering the dtcc, but ebb chose to criticize my opinion, so as the price continues to plummet, there are those on this mb stating that they would love to see these lows again so i guess for some ipwg is fine


01/07/10 1:29 PM

#6146 RE: gappa2 #6144

The chill is not the result of some conspiratorial effort on the part of the DTC.They DTC could have done nothing if it wasn't for the problems created by the stock loans that IPWG started.

I think it is naive to think it will have any effect and may in fact be detrimental........IMO

WOW GAPPA-DOS! I have been saying this all along once we found out of the SEC compliant but I was constantly beat down as a basher by the IPWG Mafia...I can only hope to break even or close to it...

going from a 5M day to a 21M day the next is not a good sign...IMO.

Come on .0142!


01/07/10 1:31 PM

#6147 RE: gappa2 #6144

You're missing the boat, I never said anything about force or intimdation, you did! Call Mr. Ames and ask reasonable questions, that's all I said, which is exactly what it says to do in the important DTC notice.

They want us to call if we have QUESTIONS! DO NOT CALL UP HARRASSING THE DTC, ASK POLITE QUESTIONS, USE YOUR INTELLIGENCE! Sitting around bickering and complaining back and forth on some online forum is not work, as a matter of fact, it's a broken mess. We must work to protect our investments.

I emplore each and every one of you to call Mr. Ames and ask questions about the suspension of IPWG. Let them know that we are here and that we care. Do you want to work, or are you broke? Do you need to show up to a place of someone elses business to listen to a "boss" dictate and give you order, or can you create your own place of business, dictation and order? If you can work on your own, put down the fishin pole for a moment, wake back up and make that call. (212) 855-4535. This is a time for life, not death. Breathe in the freedom of knowing that you can do exactly what you want to do, and rest easy knowing that what you want to do is work together, create, flourish, grow and love. Nourish yourself, make that call and ask directive questions, work. I don't write you a paycheck, you're going to have to earn this on your own. No one's going to force you to work with the threat of poverty anymore, think. I know you can do it.

I'll check back in a couple of hours.


01/07/10 2:19 PM

#6152 RE: gappa2 #6144

But don't forget, there is NO chill at Zecco and other brokerages that don't use the DTC for clearing. I mean, it's not like trading was suspended by the SEC; in fact, it appears they are on our side.

And in this world of crooks, it would not surprise me at ALL if there were a naked short problem involving the DTC, Scottrade, etc. After Madoff and the rest of it, nothing would surprise me. Can't trust anyone anymore it seems, except my dog.