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01/06/10 10:56 PM

#654 RE: KING RABBIT #653

<<<I have 50000 shares of rmkmf. How many shares of the new goldstone will this convert to and how long does it take to get the new shares?>>>

Hi KR....
You'll have 13,333/sh of the new company and the timing of the share transfer depends upon your broker's diligence.
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03/02/10 6:07 PM

#683 RE: KING RABBIT #653

Hardrock Mine was first discovered in 1931 by “Hardrock” Bill Smith
and Stan Watson on Discovery Point of Kenogamisis Lake .

A village grew up at Hard Rock in 1934.

Shaft sinking began in 1935, and Hard Rock Gold Mines, Ltd.,
became the third producing gold mine in
the Little Long Lac gold camp by January, 1938.

Two shafts were sunk between 1934 and 1951; No. 1 to 475 feet, No.2
to 1,410 feet; connected to each other at 475-foot level.
A cianide mill, capacity 200 tons per day was installed, capacity
was later increased to 500 tons per day.
In total the Hard Rock Mine produced 269,081 ounces of gold and
9,009 ounces of silver.
The mine began operating in January 1938, and tonnage rose each
year until it peaked in 1942. As with other mines, the war years
meant difficulty in keeping miners.

The Hard Rock Mines;
closed in 1951 after having given up 269,081 ounces at an average
grade of 0.18 OPT.
When the enterprise closed, Mosher Longlac purchased the plant
and equipment.

Current operations

Currently Premier Gold mines is drilling the property to identify additional gold resources.
Hard Rock Mine

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Premier Gold Mines | Roxmark Mines Ltd.


Gold (Au)



Ore mined:

1,458,375 tonnes

Gold produced:

269,081 oz (7628312 g*)

Recovered grade:

0.18 OPT** (6.2 g/t***)

Mine type:

Mining method:

Status of modeling:

In progress


Exploration for re-opening

* 1 Ounce = 28.3495 g
** OPT = Ounces per ton
*** 1 OPT = 34.2818 g/t (g/t = grams per tonne)

Mining history:

There were 14 past producing gold mines in the Greenstone region operating between 1934

and 1968. While other gold belts have seen decades of new exploration and new mines, the Beardmore/Geraldton gold belt has been fogotten, until recently.

Today there is renewed interest in both the past producing gold mines as well as new

potential mines in the region.

image View Mine locations in Google Earth™ (.kmz) - Februray 2009

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Past Producers

Tons Milled

Average Grade of Gold (oz/ton)

Gold Produced (oz)

1. Leitch Mine




2. Sand River Mine




3. Northern Empire Mine




4. Magnet Mine




5. Little Long Lac




6. Bankfield Mine




7. Hard Rock




8. MacLeod-Cockshutt




9. Mosher Long Lac




10. Talmora-Long Lac




11. Jellicoe Mine




12. Tombill Mine




13. Dikdik – Orphan - Mantis




14. Sturgeon River Mine




Total Beardmore-Geraldton





The Little Longlac Gold Mine -
1934. The mine produced 605,000 oz of Gold -
from 1.8 million tons of ore.
Little Long Lac Mine

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Premier Gold Mines | Roxmark Mines Ltd.


Gold (Au)


1934-1954, 1956

Ore mined:

1,780,516 tons

Gold produced:

605,499 oz. (17165594 g*)

Recovered grade:

0.34 OPT** (12g/t***)

Mine type:

Mining method:

Status of modeling:

In progress


Exploration for re-opening

* 1 Ounce = 28.3495 g
** OPT = Ounces per ton
*** 1 OPT = 34.2818 g/t (g/t = grams per tonne)

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imageIn February of 1933, Little Long Lac Gold Mines, Ltd., was incorporated and by March of the same year, the company commenced sinking of a three-compartment shaft. The Little Long Lac Mine was the first gold producer in the Geraldton area. In 1935, the first full year of operation, the mine milled 62,073 tons (averaging 0.507 ounces of gold per ton) to produce 31,454 ounces of gold and 2,710 ounces of silver.
In 1953, its last year of production, the Little Long Lac Mine produced 23,037 ounces of gold, grading 0.277 ounces per tonne.

In 1995, Roxmark acquired from Algoma Steel Inc. the Little Longlac Mine Property, which consists of 39 patented mining claims and licensed occupation leases on 1,538 acres in Errington and Ashmore Townships. The property is under a 99-year lease from January 1, 1974 and produced 605,000 ounces of gold from 1.8 million tons at an average recovered grade of 0.34 oz. in gold per ton. Development included a shaft and winze to a depth of 3,950 feet.


Currently Premier Gold mines is actively exploring the area for new gold resources.

The Magnet Gold Mine -
(1936) The Mine produced 152,000 oz. of Gold
from 360,000 tons of ore.
Magnet Mine

Mineral Development Home | History | Current exploration | Data downloads


Premier Gold Mines | Roxmark Mines Ltd.


Gold (Au)


1938-1943, 1946-1952

Ore mined:

359,912 tons

Gold produced:

152,089 oz. (4311647g*)

Recovered grade:

0.42 OPT** (14g/t***)

Mine type:

Mining method:

Status of modeling:

In progress


Exploration for re-opening

* 1 Ounce = 28.3495 g
** OPT = Ounces per ton
*** 1 OPT = 34.2818 g/t (g/t = grams per tonne)

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Acquired in 1980, Roxmark’s 100% interest in the Magnet Mine property (formerly held by Magnet Consolidated Mines Limited) consists of 27 mining claims under a 21-year renewable lease covering 974 acres located in Errington Township. Also included in the 27 mining leases are a total of 19 claims covering 812 acres which includes surface rights to leases on the property.

The Magnet Mine property is equipped with headframe, production hoist, compressors, certain mining equipment, generator, hydro substation, shop, dry, office, etc. Roxmark drilled an exploratory hole from the shaft station at the 11th level south through the Bankfield Tombill Fault. It encountered a high grade intersection averaging 1.32 oz. in gold over 4.4 feet. The intersection will be followed up by drilling from the mine workings west on the 11th level and east of the shaft on the 7th level. This zone will probably surface on the Company-controlled McLellan Joint Venture property. This intersection is not included in the potential resources. The mine was inactive since 1988.

Current operations

Currently Premier Gold mines is exploring the property for additional gold resources.

The Bankfield Gold Mine -
produced nearly 70,000 oz. of Gold -
from ore mined at shallow depths.
Bankfield Mine

Mineral Development Home | History | Current exploration | Data downloads


Premier Gold Mines | Roxmark Mines Ltd.


Gold (Au)


1937-1942, 1944-1947

Ore mined:

231,009 tonnes

Gold produced:

66,417 oz. (1882889 g*)

Recovered grade:

0.29 OPT** (9.9g/t***)

Mine type:

Underground Narrow vein Quartz

Mining method:

Status of modeling:


Exploration for re-opening

* 1 ounce = 28.3495g
** OPT = Ounces per tonne
** 1 OPT = 34.2818g/t (g/t = grams per tonne)
image View Mine locations in Google Earth™ (.kmz)

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Bankfield Mine was found in 1931 by Tom Johnson and Bob Wells at the Errington Township on the southwestern part of Magnet Lake . Bankfield Gold Mines, Ltd., came into existence with 14 claims totalling approximately 600 acres.

Operations at the mine were run by a staff of 68 men employed under John Mackenzie’s lead. Eleven men worked underground, with the remaining workers being dispersed throughout the power-house, a blacksmith shop, the assay office, a two-storey cook house, the stables, a powder-house, and the operations office. A 100-ton cyanide mill was also constructed. From 1934 to 1936 a shaft was sunk to a depth of 552 feet with levels at 150, 275, and 525 feet. Bankfield’s first gold brick was poured in 1937. Between 1936 and 1942, a winze was sunk from the 525-foot level to a depth of 1,297 feet from the surface. Drifting totaled 14,516 feet and crosscutting 7,832 feet.

Production for the mine first occurred between 1937 until 1942, and then from 1944 until 1947. A total of 66,417 ounces of gold were produced during that time, along with 7,590 ounces of silver. Recovery of gold averaged 0.29 ounces per ton of ore milled.

Current operations

In 1992, Roxmark acquired from Golden Trio Minerals Ltd. a 100% interest in 18 patented mineral claims covering 844 acres located in Errington and Lindsley Townships.

The property produced 66,000 ounces of gold from 229,000 tons for an average grade of 0.29 oz. of gold per ton. The mine was serviced from a shaft and a winze to a depth of 1,275 feet. Based on historical data, Roxmark believes that exploration chances are excellent, including the depth extension.

ROXMARK Video presentation by chairman Philip F. Cunningham -
has been a director of the company since August 2004 -
and Chairman since May 2005. Mr. Cunningham is executive vice
president of Mackenzie Financial Corporation and
chairman of Mackenzie Financial Services Inc.
He joined the Mackenzie organization in 1982 -

Mackenzie -
offers more than 100 investment funds in Canada and
the United States -
Mackenzie - manages more than $45 billion -
for over 1,000,000 investors and their financial advisors...
as major shareholder for Roxmark Mines Limited -

Roxmark Mines Limited -

In its first production phase —
closed Gold production primarily because of a $35 fixed Gold
gov. bureaucratic manipulated price and issues related to
fragmented land holdings at the time —
The Geraldton-Beardmore Gold camp ranked among the top five
producing areas in Canada, generating 4.1 million ounces of
Gold from 19.5 million tons of ore for an average recovered
grade of 0.21 oz.Au/ton.

Roxmark’s current holdings, which consolidate key properties
in the camp… eliminating boundary issues and maximizing
effective use of existing infrastructure, include six of
the camp’s former producing mines.

These six formerly producing Gold mines accounted for
1,890,045 ounces of Gold produced from 3.98 million tons
of milled ore with an average recovered grade of 0.46oz. Au/ton.

This represented 20.4 percent of the tonnage milled and
46.1 percent of the Gold recovered in the camp.

To cite one specific example;

The Leitch Gold Mine -

(now on Roxmark land) was the # 1 of Ontario & Canada's

highest grade and most profitable Gold mines -

producing 860,648 ounces from 906,395 tons of ore

at an average recovered grade of 0.91 oz.Au/ton.

Even more impressively, the average recovered Gold grade -

over the last ten years of the mine’s Gold operation -

was 1.15 oz.Au/ton.

The Leitch Mine was once Canada's richest.

The Sand River/Leitch complex produced more than 900,000 ounces of gold.

Like other Roxmark mines in both Camps, it remains open at depth.

Leitch Mine

Mineral Development Home | History | Current exploration | Data downloads


Roxmark Mines Ltd.


Gold (Au)



Ore mined:

920,745 tons

Gold produced:

847,690 oz. (24031588g*)

Recovered grade:

0.92 OPT** (31.5g/t***)

Mine type:

Underground Narrow vein Quartz

Mining method:


Status of modeling:


Exploration for re-opening

* 1 Ounce = 28.3495 g
** OPT = Ounces per tonne
*** 1 OPT = 34.2818 g/t (g/t = grams per tonne)

image View Mine locations in Google Earth™ (.kmz)

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A past producer within the Eva Township, the Leitch Mine property was first staked in 1901. Exploration for iron was conducted on its claims by a number of companies between 1910 to 1923. Finally, in 1934, R. and J. Cryderman prospected the strike extension of the Sand River Mine's No.1 vein which lead to the discovery of the Leitch's No.1 vein.

Leitch Mine became one of the richest gold producers in Canada, operating continuously from 1937 to 1965, processing a total of 861,982 ounces of gold at an average grade of 0.92 ounces per tonne of ore milled.

Portions of the Leitch dump continuted to be milled throughout the 1980's. The Leitch Mine was serviced by a three-compartment shaft to 3,006 feet, with a winze from the 19th or 2,875-foot level to the 30th level.

Current operations

In 2003, Roxmark acquired from Teck Cominco Limited an approximate 63% interest in the Leitch property, consisting of 10 patented claims covering 1,276 acres in Eva and Summers Townships. The property is governed by a Joint Venture agreement dated June 30, 1987 between Teck and San Paulo Exploration Inc., now Communications Corp., as amended April 30, 1990 and October 30, 1990. The other Joint Venture party holds the balance of approximately 37%. Roxmark is the operator.

Furthermore in 2003, Roxmark acquired from Kinross Mines a 55.25% interest in the East Leitch Property covering 20 claims held under a 21-year lease on 832 acres in Summers Township. The property is governed by a Joint Venture Agreement dated September 1987 between Falconbridge Limited (now Kinross) and Minerals Anodor Inc. (now Afri-Can Marine Mineral Corporation). In January 2005, Roxmark acquired the remaining 29.75% interest from African Marine.

In 2009, Roxmark acquired the remaining 27% interest in the Leitch property. Roxmark mines now owns 100% interest.

Sand River Mine

Mineral Development Home | History | Current exploration | Data downloads


Roxmark Mines Ltd.


Gold (Au)



Ore mined:

157,870 tons

Gold produced:

50,065 oz. (1419318g*)

Recovered grade:

0.32 OPT** (11g/t***)

Mine type:

Underground Narrow vein Quartz

Mining method:

Status of modeling:


Exploration for re-opening

* 1 Ounce = 28.3495 g
** OPT = Ounces per ton
*** 1 OPT = 34.2818 g/t (g/t = grams per tonne)

image View Mine locations in Google Earth™ (.kmz)

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The Sand River Mine was discovered by Russell Cryderman in 1934. It was located just south of the Leitch Mine in Eva Township. The vein system was extended to the northeast onto the Leitch Mine property in 1935. Servicing was done by a three-compartment shaft to 2,656' depth. This past producer operated from 1937 to 1942 and produced 50,065 ounces of gold and 3,628 ounces of silver. Sand River Resources processed 157,870 tons with a recovery grade of 0.32 oz. of gold per tonne of ore milled.
Current operations

In 2000, Roxmark acquired a 100% interest from Rio Fortuna Exploration Corp. in the Sand River Property, 37 contiguous mining leases covering 1,692 acres in Eva Township.

Roxmark, is a Canadian-based junior integrated Gold -
& Moly mining company involved in exploration and
development of Gold and Molybdenum properties
in the Geraldton-Beardmore area
of Northern Ontario, Canada -

Roxmark’s 12 mining properties total nearly 400 claims and
leases. They include an important new high grade -
Gold & Molybdenum project on which underground
development and mining of Moly was Re-Commissioned -
before the end of 2006 —
well next on the agenda;
will reactivate six formerly producing mines which
generated nearly two million ounces of Gold.

Existing infrastructure, including a recently upgraded on-site
Gold and Molybdenum mill, will provide important advantages
in developing parallel Gold structures in 2007 and beyond.

Management is also optimistic about the potential for new
Gold discoveries at current and greater depths.

In 2005 - 2006, Roxmark generated revenue and demonstrated the
capability of the mill by bulk sampling and processing gold
ore from the East Leitch property. In addition, a diamond
drilling program was completed on the Nortoba-Tyson
molybdenum/gold property, expanding the size of the known
molybdenum mineralization. In early 2006, management
intends to follow up with a molybdenum bulk sampling program
with two objectives:
to generate cash flow to support other exploration and
development programs and to set the stage for early
underground development of the moly resource.

In recent years, Roxmark has completed self-administered
private equity placements which raised nearly $5 million
in funding, without incurring brokerage commissions.
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