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Lurker from Mars

01/05/10 10:29 AM

#178382 RE: midrew #178381

Since you do not understand the business, I will attempt to enlighten you...

EI is a start up which many in the industry have been turning towards to satisfy baby boomer and those with progressive outlooks on death as a celebration...and by "turning to" I mean personalization...Going are the days of black veiled weeping women and pats on the backs for old men still surviving...

Even my dad stuck it to us at his funeral of Red Sox fans by having Yankee crap all over the place....He got the last laugh with all his friends and family...Would I rather remember that or a dark day in my life that I carry for the next 4-5 decades (I can only hope)...

So back to EI....

EI is cornering the market IMO and rightly so...Not many are willing to deal with the BS of 1000 changes (PM license) and still have to pay royalty fees until they can get the product out the door, but many like offering these products to "clients"...Yes EI needs money but on the back end, as soon as they get this ship steaming forward the money will be more than enough...I think licenses are key...They supposedly have 2 more and a gamechanger but this LOC has not happened so I am led to believe that they are tied together...

Keep in mind, this could be the sham-wow of the funeral industry where every car product retailer offers it, or in this case every FH offers EI products....They are in medallions, vaults, caskets and urns...but I will agree they need marketing...Would be nice to see that with the LOC....

This is still a startup...delayed by wrong filing of uplist paperwork, economy collapsing and bad use of stock, IMHO...Yet we are where we are...sideways consolidation and shares getting nibbled...200k, 500k is small volume to me...We used to trade tens of millions down here...Can't even touch that now cuz shares are held by mostly strong, long hands....

GLTY...THIS IS our has to be...uplisted and looking at getting a non equity (i trust) LOC to jumpstart EI...THAT will lead to ETNL ka-boomage, IMHO...

lol, couldn't resist the "ka-boomage" reference...
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01/05/10 10:39 AM

#178383 RE: midrew #178381

I agree. I remember when they use to PR quite often about the littlest things.

If things were good, they'd be sharing it with all.

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Lurker from Mars

01/05/10 11:09 AM

#178384 RE: midrew #178381

PS: you know what I remember most about my mothers funeral, long before EI concept?

While not planned:

My mother witnessed a plane fly over her and crash about 1 mile away....Ever since then whenever a plane flew over her head, such as landing at the nearby airfield, she would duck and cover...We all razzed her about it and she would laugh but a couple times we had to comfort her as occationally we would be crossing perpendicular to the landing strip on our way home and large planes would be landing...200ft or so above us when they passed...

Now at the gravesite as she was being lowered into the ground, a small plane flew low over the cemetary and doubt circling for a landing...Everyone in the family, and I mean everyone in the family erupted in laughter...People looked at us as if we had 2 heads...I even stated "I bet she planned this"...

Now that was worth remembering....