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01/05/10 8:21 AM

#96826 RE: Vianna #96823

Similarly, should the Company experience delays in these negotiations, it will update stockholders accordingly

Yeah im expecting they'll let us know about a delay sometime next week lol just my opinion >.>


01/05/10 8:23 AM

#96827 RE: Vianna #96823

Not much news in thes PR and it looks like we might be in for a long long wait


01/05/10 10:23 AM

#96889 RE: Vianna #96823

confirmed its Statement on December 9, 2009 and updated on December 16, 2009 and on December 21, 2009 that it had received a confirmed Offer

so - the reconfiguring of the CON-formation .. has started all over again

I forgot the donuts .. but I did remember to bring the kool-aid

oh boy .. Do I need to say more

oh well.. theres always next week(s)

do I have FFGO pegged or what!



01/05/10 1:49 PM

#96947 RE: Vianna #96823

"....That the purchase be priced in Euros and not in US Dollars..."

With big issues surrounding sovereign debts affecting Spain, Greece, Ireland, etc---I don't think that's a good idea at the moment. Depending on when the sale is finalized, they may be losing money if the transaction is completed using Eurodollars, IMO. They need to be very careful, IMO, on that very touchy issue.

"...Given the unforeseeable delays in December of 2009, the involvement and consent requirements from two significant third parties and the complexities surrounding the transactions; the Company's Management is reluctant to commit to a definite guideline on the timing of the closure of these agreements as we had previously stated that we had hoped that these transactions could be concluded before the end of December of 2009. Management does not expect that these negotiations are likely to be protracted as all parties are committed to the consummation of these transactions...."

Not surprised at all with this "news"....

"...The Company confirms that its outstanding shares of Common Stock remain unchanged and are as detailed in our last Form 8-K Filing. The Company has not issued any additional shares of its Common Stock whatsoever..."

Fantastic. Any word on the reduction in the Authorized Share count?
