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01/04/10 3:35 PM

#4333 RE: boomerstock #4332

The fundamental problem with all research regarding "back pain" is that the researchers themselves do not even understand the question that they are asking. "Back pain" doesn't exist as we believe. The spine can hurt for a wide variety of reasons - each with it's own cause and own solution.

I specialize in treatment of the spine and am certified in the McKenzie Method ( This method is the most reliable way to determine what "subgroup" of back pain you are dealing with and therefore what "treatment" will most likely be effetive in relieving it. Think of it this way: before doctors were able to culture bacteria, they would choose whatever antibiotic they thought was right without knowing if it would work. Therefore many people would not only not get better but possibly be made worse or even die because of incorrect treatment. Cultures allow exact pairing of condition and treatment. The McKenzie Method is the same - but for the spine...and it sure has made my life easier as a physical therapist!

However, there are patients that do not respond to treatment and the McKenzie Method identifies them as non-responders. Guess what - these people are prime TENS candidates, as are those who want to get off or reduce their pain meds. This is the subgroup that TENS works phenomenally on. So do I give it for all chronic back pain sufferers? Nope! McKenzie usually fixes them first. but when it doesn't they do great with TENS.

By the way, if you guys have or know someone who has back problems, check out that website and use the therapist locator for someone in your area who can help. The McKenzie Method is the best thing going in the world of conservative back care. Not IMO - in the evidence and research which is a lot better than the crap like this study that the news networks quote just to paste something on their sites.

Oh and thanks Raw, I still long...
