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Gold Seeker

01/02/10 9:35 PM

#24810 RE: needprofit #24808

Need profit stated: "Berger is expecting to meet with Abbott this month and either crank them up and resume payments to Bocx or cut them loose and sign up another major company."

Well, let's hope that is the case but my guess is that Abbott will end up saying "NO" and I doubt Burger would cut them loose. IMO, If Abbott is gone, no other company is going to sign on.

My guess is that Burger is some years behind the times in regard to what the medical industry is wanting. I wish him luck but IMO, it is just not going to happen.

What he needs to deal with is crap like the website Moro has taken for himself. That cannot be ignored. When the shell corporation was formed, (oncopet diagnostics, Inc., it created value in the websites associated with that name. By registering the URL, for himself, he is in fact stealing something of value created by BioCurex. That is by far a gross example of a conflict of interest.

If Burger can clean up the company, more power to him. I do not blame him for stating false information at the investor conference because the presentation was probably written by Moro. If he does not understand by now, he should do more reading and less listening to Moro. The problem I saw in his presentation was that corrected filings were already saying something different than he stated in the presentation.

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Gold Seeker

01/02/10 11:17 PM

#24816 RE: needprofit #24808

NeedProfit stated: "The names JNJ and Roche were said to be possible candidates as a replacement. Berger said he does not think Abbott understands what hey have."

Possible candidates? Well, the problem with that is taking over a year for any large company to sign a license agreement. Those guys doo't even walk, they CRAWL.

I personally think Abbott knows well what they got in RECAF and Abbott management did not like it. Point in case. Read the post by Dew Diligence where he stated that his contact at Abbott said that Moro had inflated the performance of RECAF.

I also disagree that Burger is running the company. You cannot do that working 40 hours a month (1/4 time). Also Moro would not stand for anyone taking over. Moro runs the show. IMO, Burger may have gotten himself into a bit of a mess. Statements he made in the presentation have turned out to not be true in the amended filings. Whose fault is that?

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Gold Seeker

01/05/10 9:34 AM

#24819 RE: needprofit #24808

NeedProfit stated: "Berger is expecting to meet with Abbott this month and either crank them up and resume payments to Bocx or cut them loose "

Burger has been executive chairman since early September. Why is he waiting until now to meet with Abbott? I would guess that in September, Burger was unaware that Abbott was doing nothing. Moro knew Abbott was doing nothing but when Moro was searching for financing, do you think he would tell Burger that Abbott was doing nothing? Not a chance.