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01/02/10 4:45 AM

#30769 RE: sojourner #30767

As an interim (per lowman) CEO, Kutz is a splendid choice for the purposes of continuity and enhancement of CSMG/LTC image recognition.

Yup. I agree. key word being interim as lowman remarked in a previous post. Until his suggestion of the possibility of a caretaker CEO, there were only posts about what a great choice Kutz is. Now in your post, I read the word "interim" with a nifty disclaimer in parenthesis. LMFAO

Warren Buffett turns 80 in 2010, and he does better in his profession than any man half his age or any other age.

"By 1963, Warren Buffet and his associates were the largest stockholders and Buffett began to take a more active interest in the company."

Let's see...2010-1963= 47.....80-47= 33. Thanks for illustrating my point ninja.

This isn't about Kutz's professional reputation, which is indeed illustrious. It's about the right man for the job at this particular time. As a handover guy, Kutz is fine, but longer term, IMO, the company needs a full time shaker and mover to wow the world with its technologies. If you think Kutz is the man for the job (interim? lol), thanks for your input. If you find my input shabby and offensive, you know what button to push.


01/02/10 4:23 PM

#30774 RE: sojourner #30767

I find your post a cheap shot--shabby and offensive.

I'll second that!

The only real problem I see with Dr. Kutz is that he is already committed to some large degree, to his other interests, as opposed to how DR lived and breathed LTC.

Of course, with B. Jones acting as VP, much of my concern is eliminated.

Regardless of interim, having Dr. Kutz around more, certainly can't hurt. Rocketeer seems to forget that with age comes wisdom and connections. An MBA alone doesn't mean jack squat!