I think a word of caution should be introduced in regards to investing in the new year. The single most important investment principal is preservation of capital after an inordinate rise in the stock market. Especially with the malaise in the European and US economies. One (me) could make the argument that the US market has recovered primarily because MM and CD's are paying zip and the stock market is the only game in town (everyone is afraid of the bond market with the exploding US total debt of a little under 55 Trillion dollars.)
My first year of investment was 1966 and the Dow reached 995, then it took 18 years to break 1000, with a 45% drop in the 1970-74 recession. That's 18 years of zero return, if you invested in the 30 bluest chips in the US.
My point is shooting for a 300% return should be left to the experts and smaller investors should employ some caution in their investment disciplines. I do agree China small caps are the place to be. However, my opinion is the US market will sell off the beginning of the new year and money will be pulled out of the market, affecting all stocks, ESCS included.
Again, my opinionthe new investors with a small portfolio should attempt modest returns so they have investment dollars to re-invest if the market turns south.