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12/30/09 5:12 PM

#20147 RE: michael03332002 #20145

You have to remember that Obama and crew really believe that what they are doing is good for the country. Remember Biden saying we need to redistribute the wealth.
Obama and crew have been very honest. He said he would FUNDAMENTALLY change America. He is only doing what he promised he would do. There was no examination of what he meant when he said it. All that was really known about him was totally ignored. His background growing up and then his work with Acorn as a community agitator and Senator (scanty as it was) gave us the clues that he was a rank Socialist liberal with little in common with mainstream Americans. I believe he is the first non American president.
Here is the difference. I believe in America as it was originally conceived and founded. Barak Obama does not. He sees his Presidency as an opportunity to fundamentally change America from what it was founded to be into his vision of what he believes it should be.
He believes the government and the people should function as Socialist. He believes the U.S.A should be a Socialist nation taking its place among the Socialist nations of the world in moving the world toward the utopia that all Socialist believe in. Hence we have government control of every aspect of society with redistribution of wealth through social programs and taxes as the wealth confiscation mechanism. Hence we have his emphasis on world cooperation at the sacrifice of U.S.A sovereignty. He deserved the Nobel Peace Prize because he epitomizes all that it has come to represent.
His view of free enterprise is Fascist. He believes in Government control of all privately owned enterprise. His goal is not government ownership but government control. If government control can only be achieved by government ownership so be it.
Barak Obama is very interested in what he believes is good for the U.S.A. I happen to differ greatly with his opinion of what is good for America.
I believe there is a real danger in not recognising that the greatest danger to America (as originally founded) in its history is enemies domestic. It is not terrorist without but Socialist fanatics within. They are true believers who will fundamentally change America from what it was founded to be.


12/31/09 9:09 AM

#20155 RE: michael03332002 #20145

A good two-thirds of the so-called stimulus wasn't, because it has not yet been spent (and, aren't we being told that the recession is over???). The fact was that it was largely political payoffs (e.g. $30M of *your* tax dollars to study the habits of the marsh mouse in Pelosi's district), and is due to kick in in the months leading up to the 2010 mid-terms. With the passage of healthcare and cap & tax, the Dems will need all the help they can get. The average American is mad as hell and is not going to take this anymore.