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12/29/09 10:57 AM

#30718 RE: lowman #30717

First - my sincere condolences to the Robbins family. It's always sad when you lose a loved one especially during the Christmas season.

Second - when I found out that DR passed away and after the initial shock I needed to figure out what I should do with my position in CTGI. I always figured that when you lose the captain of your ship that there would be some confusion as to who takes control. Even though the company appears to be secure with the new leaders I was still unsure on how much they truly knew from what DR had known.

Third - On this note and the fact that I was unsure how the news would be taken I sold my position for a small loss. I only held 10K so not much to move the stock price.

I wish all remaining holders the best (I truly mean this). There is a future for the technology but agree with lowman that it will take longer.


12/29/09 11:25 AM

#30719 RE: lowman #30717

LM: Mourn DR, not the company. The CEO is dead, but the company he helped build lives after him. A necessary part of being a responsible CEO is to prepare for the CEO's absence by way of illness, incapacity or death. Given DR's central position, his age (65), his significant financial stake (18%) in CSMG, his acumen, and no less his role as a family man--it's difficult to conceive he did nothing with respect to the exigencies of Fate. My reading of DR is that his family extended to all shareholders, as well. More personally, DR set up a family trust to hold a large portion of his holdings. That is not the mark of a man who thought he could work or live forever or paid no heed to Dame Fate.

CSMG subsidiary Live Tissue Connect, Inc. legally owns 86% of the exclusive rights to the LTC technology irrespective of the identity of the CEO. Logically, all parties with an interest in LTC are just as interested in getting this technology into the western mainstream as they were before DR's death, perhaps more so. Do it for the Gipper, as they might say. The esteemed Dr. Kutz, long associated with LTC, stepped in just at the right moment to reassure shareholders of the company's continuity. Kutz doubtless has a financial stake here, too. Newly appointed management have every incentive and duty to move forward with whatever negotiations and/or deals that are in progress. CSMG holds valuable technologies that belong to the living, not the dead. My guess is that management will also move to communicate with shareholders more frequently than before.



12/29/09 12:03 PM

#30720 RE: lowman #30717

FOR the first time in five years i hear you not so "positive" means that DR for this company was more important than a simple Ceo...we all hope dr.Kutz continues his job for us but also for DR memory.