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11/05/04 2:03 PM

#12120 RE: Bird of Prey #12118

The majority of people who voted for Bush ignored issues like Iraq and terrorism or the economy and voted because of Bush's position on gay marriage, which is not a federal issue at all, it is a state's issues. That tells me that not much intelligent thought went into their decision. If you look at what happened in Ohio, it is well documented that a massive campaign that targeted the Evangelical ministers is what made the difference in that state. The ministers told their parishioners to vote for Bush because of the gay marriage issue. That was a very deceitful strategy on the part of Bush because Bush will never have any play in deciding the issue of gay marriage, only the states will. Seems very obvious.


11/05/04 3:22 PM

#12135 RE: Bird of Prey #12118

Bush Supporters Defy Statistics on Education
October 03, 2004

Harris Interactive, the polling company that made the right call in the 2000 presidential election, conducted a poll recently that showed John Kerry with a two point lead of George W. Bush.

Within the poll, Harris found that Bush's supporters are actually less educated than those voters who support John Kerry. This is a flip-flop of tradition as democratic candidates are usually backed by those with less education in comparison to republicans.

Here are the new numbers:

High School or Less:
Kerry: 42%
Bush: 51%

Some College:
Kerry: 44%
Bush: 50%

College Graduate:
Kerry: 50%
Bush: 45%

4+ year College Graduate:
Kerry: 58%
Bush: 37%

Education always tracks with levels of income so either democrats are getting richer or the demographics in this race are completely off from the norm. I would argue the latter and say that this race is comprised of the informed and misinformed among the majority of Americans. Of course there are always those who are informed on both sides yet stand firm with their party of choice. However the politically aware are unfortunately a minority within this nation (Americans are too busy working and paying taxes to take an interest in national or world events).

The country is divided along lines of logic. Individuals who are informed and understand that Iraq had nothing to do with September 11th are more likely to support John Kerry. Additionally, more informed individuals would be willing to question the veracity of Bush's reasoning for war, particularly his argument for the non-existent weapons of mass destruction.

Information is the worst enemy of a dishonest politician. The Bush Administration will most likely prove this point come November 2nd.