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12/27/09 6:19 PM

#88408 RE: chunga1 #88404

Another Bad Argument For Iran Strike: ‘The Worst Might Not Happen!’

By Matt Duss [ ] on Dec 24th, 2009 at 12:15 pm

Today, Iran’s leading daily newspaper featured an op-ed by a conservative Iranian university professor insisting that there is only one way to deter the American war on Iran that all serious Iranian analysts believe is coming: A massive wave of guerrilla attacks on American military facilities.

This tells us a lot about Iran. They really are a bunch of crazies intent on blowing up the Middle East. Look at what they publish their leading newspapers!

Oh, wait — the op-ed [ (the post to which this post is a reply)] is actually in this morning’s New York Times, and it’s written by an American conservative, Alan Kuperman, who argues that there’s “only one way to stop Iran”: by bombing them. Trotting out the most overworked noun in the conservative foreign policy vocabulary, Kuperman writes “in the face of failed diplomacy, eschewing force is tantamount to appeasement.”

We have reached the point where air strikes are the only plausible option with any prospect of preventing Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. Postponing military action merely provides Iran a window to expand, disperse and harden its nuclear facilities against attack. The sooner the United States takes action, the better.

Kuperman doesn’t bother to mount an argument about Iran’s intentions or capabilities — he simply presupposes that Iran wants a weapon, will get one soon, and that nothing short of military action can change this:

Incentives and sanctions will not work, but air strikes could degrade and deter Iran’s bomb program at relatively little cost or risk, and therefore are worth a try. They should be precision attacks, aimed only at nuclear facilities, to remind Iran of the many other valuable sites that could be bombed if it were foolish enough to retaliate.

Ah, yes, “precision attacks” that wonderful salve for the modern, sophisticated warmonger’s conscience. This paragraph, by itself, should have disqualified Kuperman’s op-ed from running in any serious publication. The amount of work that “relatively” is doing is here is pretty staggering. One can argue that the benefits of a strike outweigh the risks and costs. I think that’s clearly wrong, but one could argue it. But stating that those costs and risks would be “little” — even “relatively” — is a flat out, bald-faced admission that you just haven’t bothered to do the work.

Kuperman uses Israel’s 1981 attack on Iraq’s Osirak nuclear facility as an example of a strike that worked to delay a regime’s nuclear program. He says nothing about the fact that the Osirak example is one of the reasons that Iran has dispersed and buried its nuclear facilities around the country, though he does suggest that “Iran’s atomic sites might need to be bombed more than once to persuade Tehran to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons.”

Considering the consequences of such a strike for American troops and allies in the region, and for Iran’s domestic opposition, Kuperman’s argument amounts to: “Hey, the worst might not happen!” In Kuperman’s defense, he’s not alone here. I have yet to hear any advocate of an Iran strike do better.

Kuperman has a history of providing intellectual cover for policy choices that result in huge numbers of deaths. In a 2000 Foreign Affairs essay, he argued that humanitarian intervention in Rwanda would’ve just made things worse [ ]. In 2006 op-ed, he suggested that Darfur’s victims kind of had it coming [ ]. It is utterly unsurprising that he should now apply his brand of human bean-counting to the thousands of Iranian (and American, and Iraqi, and Israeli) casualties that would very likely result from the action he advocates.

It is, however, deeply discouraging that the New York Times would choose to run it. The Weekly Standard and National Review already exist for promoting this sort of harebrained militarism. The Washington Post’s editorial page, too, has, at least in regard to foreign policy, long since devolved into a neoconservative rat’s nest. If we’re not to repeat the tragic mistakes of the very recent past, then the Times needs to start insisting on quite a bit more intellectual rigor from its guest opinionators.

UPDATE Marc Lynch's take [ ]:

Many people may have assumed that the legacy of Iraq would have raised the bar on such arguments for war, that someone making such all too familiar claims would simply be laughed out of the public square. The NYT today shows that they aren't. I suspect that one of the great foreign policy challenges of 2010 is going to be to push back on this mad campaign for another pointless, counter-productive war for the sake of war.

Everybody buckle their seatbelts. It's gonna be a bumpy year.

UPDATE National Security Network's Heather Hurlburt [ ]:

Christmas Eve brings Ahmedinejad the present that dictators all over the world are craving: an op-ed in America's newspaper of record asserting not just that "military airstrikes could work" but that "Iran might need to be bombed more than once to persuade Tehran to abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons." Yes, Christmas came early for Iranian hardliners and the Revolutionary Guard, who desperately need evidence that the US intends to use force against their country no matter what to drown out and discredit the voices of democracy campaigners.

© 2009 Center for American Progress Action Fund (emphasis in original) [with comments]


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